Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them 31 Oct 2009 9:38 pm
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Not sure how much longer I can continue to read this continued torture of Harry. Snape is revelling in his power over the child and will fight tooth and nail to deny any truth that might inadvertently cross his path.

    Also, I haven't thought to comment on the school work Harry has had to do. He is seven years old. He would only be able to read the simplest of books, and his writing skills would be rudimentary, even with a pencil. I doubt he could have read the founders names, even sounding them out. Harry has already said that he did not do well at school, though I am sure this is just because teachers would have been prejudiced against someone they perceive as being undeserving of their time and attention. He would be in the equivalent of grade 2 in this country, and possibly even grade 1.

    One more chapter to go... I do hope there is some kind of breakthrough with Snape's thinking.


    Author's Response:

    I'm sorry if I made Snape come across that way; at this point, he isn't coming down hard on Harry just because he can. He really thinks the "brat" is trying to run his household just like James would have, and he believes what he heard from Aunt Marge (as most adults will believe other adults over children, particularly when they already have a prejudice against the child).

    Harry's schoolwork isn't as bad as it looks, though it's more than any trained teacher would give a young kid. Snape had him read the first part of HaH to learn about the founders, but the rest of his assignments are just basic stuff about plants and whatnot. The kind of books Molly Weasley might have used for her brood. Thanks for another detailed review!

Title: My Best Friend's Son 31 Oct 2009 9:06 pm
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    I say again, poor Harry! I bet he is wishing heartily that he had been taken to an orphanage. To be accused of lying everytime the poor little boy opens his mouth makes his situation untenable.

    Will DD figure out that the house elf is lying, I wonder, because Severus isn't going to delve too deeply. And I imagine he will be able to twist whatever he finds at Privet Drive around to his own warped way of thinking, like Harry deserved to be sleeping in the cupboard under the stairs because he would have been so uncontrollable

    I am so tense waiting for some kind of breakthrough in Severus' perceptions of Harry and the behaviour of his elf.


    Author's Response: Thanks for your review! I always wondered, in canon, just how early Dumbles became aware of Harry's situation. He certainly knew by HBP, when he "confronted" the Dursleys, but it could have been told to him by the Weasleys at some point. Anyway, unfortunately for Harry, Dumbledore won't end up being his saviour this time.
Title: The Land of Nod 31 Oct 2009 8:22 pm
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, another horrible, vindictive house elf along the lines of Kreacher. The perfect personality to go with the master actually. Poor Harry, what hope does he have. It won't feed him and is obviously going to lie about everything he does. Once again though, Snape didn't stop to think about Harry asking him some very good questions. He just hears and sees what he wants to in regards to Harry.

    I hope it is not too long before he realises what is going on, otherwise Harry will be a skeleton.

    The dream sequence at the beginning was certainly very strange. I wonder how the snake came to be in it. Has Harry had any encounters with snakes or did he see another television program. Or perhaps he is foretelling part of his own future.

    Loved this line..'No, he wasn't about to be tortured as a prisoner of war. But from Snape's expression, he wasn't going to get a hug, either.' very funny.


    Author's Response:

    Not too many have made the connection between Noddy and Snape -- I personally think they're a perfect match, but I also recognize some love him "not wisely but too well."

    Harry does have reason to have mental connections with snakes, but the dream wasn't particularly prophetic or anything. Dreams are funny, and in his new environment, it's understandable Harry would have war on the mind.

    Glad you liked that line. :o) Thanks for reviewing!

Title: Buckingham Palace 30 Oct 2009 12:38 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Harry. He has just exchanged one hell hole for another. Snape was foul.

    Subject matter notwithstanding, the chapter was very well written.


    Author's Response:

    Whoever came up with the phrase "Be careful what you wish for" sure said a mouthful. And yet it won't always be this bad. Thanks for reviewing!

Title: The Sorcerer's Apprentice 26 Oct 2009 3:07 pm
Reviewer: Dramagirl007 (Signed) [Report This]
    I wonder if Draco will be a spoiled brat when he visits Snape or if Draco and Harry will become friends. I thought it was nice of Snape letting Harry help with the potions. Keep up the good work and please update ASAP. :)

    Author's Response: Well, I've got to leave a little up the air so as not to spoil the suspense, but I assure you, the fact that Draco is visiting at all is as far as that cliche's going to go. Thanks so much for your review!
Title: Disneyland Daddy 26 Oct 2009 7:12 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    This seems like it will be a very entertaining story. Severus is at his snarky, nasty best and Harry is a normal kid, not too cowed by the Dursleys and willing to stick up for himself.

    I do wonder though how Severus can assume Harry is spoiled when he wasn't taken on holidays with his guardians.

    Onto chapter 2.


    Author's Response: Picking apart Snape's idiocy by point is like pulling a leg off a centipede. It gets you nowhere and feels icky. :o) Glad you're liking the story, and thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Title: The Sorcerer's Apprentice 26 Oct 2009 2:55 am
Reviewer: Shana76 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I really liked it! Persons are well in character, I'm looking forward to more.

    Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing! I'm really happy you enjoyed it so far.
Title: The Sorcerer's Apprentice 25 Oct 2009 2:51 pm
Reviewer: alifromnm (Signed) [Report This]
    This sound very interesting........7 yr old Draco and Harry.....I see all sorts of possibilities and problems.....add Nobby to the mix I see all sorts of nasty stuff happening! Great chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Cliched as Draco ex machina has become, it's necessary to keep the story interesting, as you noted. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Title: The Sorcerer's Apprentice 24 Oct 2009 9:31 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Glad that you've updated. I feel bad for Harry that Snape is still very harsh with him. You write so well, and really keep Snape in character.

    Nice work.

    Author's Response: Aw, thanks. :o) Yes, even when Snape is being "nice," he's still a snarky beast. Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them 26 Sep 2009 3:40 pm
Reviewer: hpfanficfan (Signed) [Report This]
    i really hope u update this soon. I feel real bad for Harry.

    And what he will do/what he will think (himself and Harry) when the truth reveals itself? Would he be sorry, guilty? Would he feel regret? Would he see an error in his ways? Would he be angry at the Dursleys as well as himself?

    And though I realize that Snape won't go all soft and mushy and start hugging and telling Harry he loves him. Im eager to see how Snape grows to care about harry (eventually) Snape might be strict, harsh and a disciplinarian. But i'd like to think that if Harry got hurt, he'd genuinely worry.

    Would Snape be there for Harry when the boy needs him? Would he offer comfort after a spanking?

    So many questions. So much ahead till they're resolved. AHH! I want to see more of Snape, and Harry and Noddy

    Author's Response:

    I don't plan on making Snape wallow in guilt for too long. He'll feel bad, of course, but he'll be ready to move on quickly. He'll definitely be angry at the Dursleys, but . . . that's hardly helpful at this point. :o)

    So many questions, yes. And unfortunately, they can't be answered without completely ruining the suspense! Thanks for reviewing!

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