Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: The Land of Nod 15 Jan 2009 2:56 pm
Reviewer: jolisgsd (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very interesting story. What q twist to have Harry's "enemy" be a house elf!

    Author's Response: No kidding; Harry finds enemies in the strangest places, doesn't he? :o) Thanks for the review!
Title: The Land of Nod 15 Jan 2009 2:54 pm
Reviewer: gin (Anonymous) [Report This]
    poor harry.first dursley,now evil house elf.if snape not find,harry is very damaged.i hope snape quickly learn about true

    Author's Response: Snape probably won't find out for some time yet . . . and even then, I don't think I could write him fluffy to save my life. But we'll get past this stage eventually. Thanks for reviewing!
Title: The Land of Nod 15 Jan 2009 2:38 pm
Reviewer: Bratling (Signed) [Report This]
    Nasty little elf. I hope Sev finds out the truth.

    Author's Response: Noddy should be named Kreacher, shouldn't he? Too bad the name was taken. :o) Snape will figure out the game . . . but not for a while. Thanks for the review!
Title: The Land of Nod 15 Jan 2009 1:45 pm
Reviewer: Jade_Sullivan (Signed) [Report This]
    I find Snape's anger toward Harry and accusation of his lying to be very expected and reasonable....for Snape, that is. Why would he trust Harry over his house elf? Of course the fact that Harry had spouted off information about his learning would go right over Snape's head. He had temper issues...his anger seems to supercede any sense of rationality he might have. So, that said, I find Snape in this chapter to be totally believable.

    But poor Harry. I feel terrible about what he's enduring. Stupid, ugly house elf. I could kick his face in.

    *hem hem* Anyway... wonderful chapter. I can't remember if I reviewed the last one, but I certainly enjoyed it just as much :-) I also read through all of your frequently asked questions (I have a day off today...lol), and I must say, I'm quite amused by your sense of humor. It seems to show through in your writing, and I appreciate that. Keep going with this story!

    Author's Response:

    I just figure, when Snape saw that nothing on the desk appeared to have moved, that coupled with whatever Noddy told him would be enough. It wouldn't be his first instinct to assume that his own elf had rearranged the books and hidden Harry's papers. Like you said, it's his trusted servant versus the son of his archenemy. It would be easy for him to either forget that Harry had brought up something from the Herbology text or to assume that Harry just peeked in the books and then decided to go play instead. But I don't think he put much thought into it. :o)

    I could also do with kicking Noddy . . . even though I have a shred of sympathy for him. I wouldn't want to suddenly get a kid to raise. I'd never act like Noddy, but I might be resentful if I heard Snape (my master . . . now there's a thought) going on about him. Snape's anger is why I gave extra warnings about corporal punishment; he's going about it in completely the wrong way, very emotionally damaging (he didn't really hurt Harry, not physically.) I hope I don't alienate anyone because of that.

    Glad you enjoyed the chapter and the FAQ. :o) I try to keep a sense of humour, like the poem I wrote where I kill my upstairs neighbours . . . er, that is, kindly ask them to stop the noise. Right, that's it. I've updated the FAQ quite a bit, and will probably use it in place of author's notes from now on. Thanks for the review!

Title: The Land of Nod 15 Jan 2009 1:12 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    OOh, what an evil elf! Great story!

    I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review! I'll try not to keep everyone hanging on the next chapter. I know you're all wondering what Noddy will do next . . .
Title: Buckingham Palace 07 Jan 2009 8:58 pm
Reviewer: Caramello (Signed) [Report This]
    This story is very interesting so far! I know you haven't updated in a while, but if you ever decide to, I'd be interested in seeing what will happen :)

    Author's Response: Well, you won't have to wait any longer; reviewers kept nudging until I was forced to finish Chapter 3. :o) Thanks for reviewing!
Title: Buckingham Palace 13 Nov 2008 8:32 pm
Reviewer: spiritualwitch (Signed) [Report This]
    Very interesting. I can't wait for the next chapter! I love how Severus takes Harry's ignorance of normal life as sarcasm. That's kind of odd because most seven year olds can't do sarcasm. I guess Snape isn't an expert on being a guardian to young children! I like how you had the Dursley's die though; very funny.

    Author's Response: I'll bet seven-year-old Snape did sarcasm! Or I could just see him pulling a Mikey as his mother tried to make baby food interesting. "Heh, heh. I'm still not eating it." But he's looking at Harry now and seeing James, who would probably make just such a comment. It'll be hard for both of them to adjust. Thanks for your comments!
Title: Buckingham Palace 13 Nov 2008 6:54 pm
Reviewer: bugeyedmonster2 (Signed) [Report This]
    More please? Pretty pretty please?


    Author's Response:

    It's coming! Soon, I hope, if the pain meds take. :o) Thanks for reviewing!

Title: Buckingham Palace 26 Oct 2008 11:13 am
Reviewer: catti666 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This feels so promising ; ). I like your writing style and I really like this story!. I'm looking forward into next chappy!

    Author's Response: Thanks for your comments! I'm glad so many people like the story, and the next chapter will be up as soon as my wrists will cooperate.
Title: Buckingham Palace 23 Oct 2008 3:33 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Snape is so loveably unreasonable. It is so funny to read. You keep Harry nicely in character, I like it. Mila

    Author's Response: Even though Harry got shouted at all the time with the Dursleys, he seemed to have a little backchat left in him in canon. Beats me why. Thanks for reviewing!

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