Title: Appearances Are Usually Deceiving
| 20 Jul 2009 1:18 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed)
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Why won't Harry tell Snape already! ugh!! I'll have to keep reading!!
Oooo!! That's interesting too! What went on with Snape and Lily? Guess I'll just have to read more! ;D
*Gasp!* dun, dun, duuuunnnnn!!!
That was interesting. Why would Dumbledore let Harry drop Defense? Hmmmm....
I like Draco in this. Thanks for not making him so whiney! ;)
Ha! I love it when Hermione turns to Harry and says, "...let's kill him." about Draco. Priceless!!
Wowzer! So many mirrors, so little time! That was pretty good, though I do feel sorry for Harry and Snape...like usual. Nice chapter!
This is building very nicely!
Arghhh!!! You left us hanging.
what a great chapter. I simply can't wait for the next chapter, and I'm dying for Snape to find out that Harry is his son.