Phew! You had me scared.
I'm glad that the world didn't REALLY blow up. It didn't, did it? LOL!
Nice beginning. Looking forward to more.
Title: The Beginning
| 13 Aug 2009 11:02 am
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous)
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This is a most confusing story. Since when do the Malfoy's listen to Dumbledore or follow him? And surely many of those books Hermione spouted out about would have shown Harry the truth long ago--any curious kid would have looked it up and Harry is nothing if not curious.
Author's Response: This story is based in AU, in my world. The Malfoys are in the same boat as Severus. They renounced the dark side when Draco was born. They will go back to Voldemort on Dumbledore's orders. And being that the Malfoys are the Weasley counter-part here, it makes sense for them to listen to Dumbledore. Addressing the issue of Harry's curiosity. Hermione is no friend of Harry's in this story. Harry has no knowledge of any of those books. It is also never mentioned that Harry himself went and looked up information on himself.
Aw, I'm glad that you've updated.
I really like originality of the story. I always did wonder what would have happened if Harry had of given Malfoy a chance.
Hee hee. Poor Harry, the summer is not turning out exactly how he' planned, is it.
I love the comment about him expecting skulls and a coffin for a bed. Too cute.
I'm glad to see you've updated and I didn't know if I'd reviewed this chapter. Off to the next one.
Title: The Truth Comes Out
| 21 Jun 2009 5:35 pm
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous)
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just found your story and already hooked. cant wait for next chapter, this is new with harry in slytherin and snape as his head of house.
Title: Malfoy Manor and a Rude Awakening
| 28 Feb 2009 9:31 pm
Reviewer: Scorpia (Signed)
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Ohh, I'm excited, write more please!
Title: A meeting, the first year, and an accident.
| 28 Feb 2009 9:30 pm
Reviewer: Scorpia (Signed)
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The dramatic skip in time made me slightly sad. The best thing about reading these types of stories is seeing how the characters will grow together and apart and how it happens, :( I liked it, but there are a few errors.
Title: Reluctant Roomies
| 28 Feb 2009 6:25 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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Your story is nice and original. I hope you will update soon. Little-sun
Title: Malfoy Manor and a Rude Awakening
| 15 Nov 2008 6:57 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed)
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Can't wait to see how the training goes. And precisely what Severus is training Harry in. Will draco eventually join them?