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Reviews For Fairytale Princess
Title: Fairytale Princess 06 Jan 2010 9:46 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG!! Attack, that was so sad!! Oh my gosh! I feel terrible for Eileen! Having to watch her son become unhappy because of people at school (his grandfather) and having to watch Lily and James grow up, knowing that those were her child's grandparents, and thinking of Harry! And all her disappointments with Sev because his life was so miserable. And then the ending? Where she realizes, as if for the first time, that her son was going to have to DIE a hero! How terribly sad! I'd be crying now if I didn't have a strick 'no crying' rule for myself. Wonderful story! I loved every sad moment!!

    Author's Response: I missed writing Eileen so much after ND that I wanted to give her a moment in the spotlight and show her feelings about the after effects of Harry's presence.  The last line was the first line to be written, and all of a sudden, I felt like a real shit, and oh, I'm horrible to my characters, and Eileen never learned that he was going to live after all, and she's probably still waiting for him at the train station in the sky.  Hmm, maybe I'll drabble that.  Technically, this is the strongest story in the ND universe, and I'm just a bit proud.
Title: Fairytale Princess 27 Aug 2009 2:56 pm
Reviewer: SiriuslyMental (Signed) [Report This]
    Your Severus is brilliant, so believably angry and bitter, and I really enjoyed your portrayal of Eileen as well. I haven't read No Difference, but I think I will now when I've got the time. I really liked this.

    Author's Response: After I finished "No Difference" (actually after I finished the first three chapters) I really missed Eileen, and I wanted to see my version of her playing off her son.  The result, as a writer, I like better than I like "No Difference."  I'm glad you enjoyed it too.
Title: Fairytale Princess 08 Apr 2009 11:34 pm
Reviewer: astutia (Signed) [Report This]
    I think those 2500 works elicited more emotion than the whole of no difference (which I just finished, and by the way, was absolutely brilliant).


    Author's Response: Lol.  Is that what you call a back handed complement?  Thanks.
Title: Fairytale Princess 25 Jan 2009 4:38 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    ok, so harry is severus father and he knew he was gona die and like... didn`t care???, crapy father.

    Awsome story i liked it, sad for Eileen.

    english is not my firts language, so sorry if something sounds weird

    Author's Response: Did you read the story that preceded this, No Difference?  it wasn't so much that Harry didn't care that he couldn't mess with time (Remember the Time Turner and Hermione's warnings?)  Also, He and Snape still had the canon antagonistic relationship, so while Harry might be happy he's alive, he's none too thrilled about him being Snape.
Title: Fairytale Princess 21 Nov 2008 2:52 pm
Reviewer: Ebony StarStorm (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you for that view of Eileen's own feelings about your little universe.

    Question, are you going to do a one-shot where James and Lily are informed of Sev's true identity? *Would be interested*

    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you liked it.  I didn't get to play enough with her when I was writing ND.

    Oh man, the look on James' face that would cause!  No, I won't, solely because it doesn't fit well in the universe, but the idea's really amusing.

Title: Fairytale Princess 14 Nov 2008 10:46 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    That was sad, Attack. I liked this little tidbit from Eileen's perspective though. Makes you feel all the worse for the entire situation, years to come yet. I like how you've painted her, in this and in No Diff. Severus is so angry here, too. You always do very well with his portrayal. I would have liked to se you extend this further; it would be interesting to delve deeper into Eileen's character. She's such an interersting charcter in this AU universe. Thanks for sharing!

    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you liked it.  it is sad, isn't it?  I did put that it was a tragedy in the genre part.  Snape is an angry, vengeful, even impetuous man, despite his brilliance, and it's a classic tragic flaw.  Eileen will probably pop up again in more oneshots.  I'm treating her so horribly in Children of Mars that I have to.


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