Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Remus to the Rescue 16 Jun 2013 10:23 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Signed) [Report This]
    Great ending! Especially loved the wolf/puppy interaction-- sweet!
Title: Thou Shalt Never Chew Wands! 16 Jun 2013 10:10 pm
Reviewer: shadowienne (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh wow! I have to admit, I'm so glad Summer didn't accidentally ZAP herself with the wand! :-)
Title: Remus to the Rescue 19 Mar 2013 12:24 am
Reviewer: Snapes Apprentice (Signed) [Report This]
    Either Sev has gone mad or Harry doesn't understand Sev's logic.

    Author's Response: Yeah, that's it.  Mist six years olds don't understand logic at all. Believe me I know.
Title: Remus to the Rescue 24 Apr 2011 3:04 pm
Reviewer: shh (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great! 5 year old Harry had an excellent vocabulary. Thanks for a super story!
Title: One Sick Puppy 19 Dec 2009 1:59 am
Reviewer: snapeswidow (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww. Poor Summer. I have a dog that ate TWO whole trys of brownies once! Poor thing nearly died! Im glad summers better.

    Author's Response: OMG! that's really scary! My sister's collie once ate a whole large bag on M & M's got sick with diarrhea but was otherwise fine. It depends on the dog's weight and age, I think as to how badly the reaction is to the chocolate. Glad your dog is okay now.
Title: Remus to the Rescue 11 Jan 2009 3:06 am
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Definitely a funny story! I really enjoyed reading this, especially after Shadows and Mother's day. Summer truly is a handful!

    She reminds me of our black lab, who is very hyper and practically smothers our poor old golden retriever, lol. Though they slobber and get into you things, you can't help but love your dogs anyway, right?

    I'm glad the mischievous puppy was saved by Remus and that she finally knows how to behave. Seems that through it all poor Harry will still have to wait for a dog though :D

    Author's Response:

    Oh yes, my beagle was a terror when he was a puppy, but now he's 3 going on 4 and calmed down alot.  But when he was younger . . .Lord help us all!

    Labsa re the same way, my neighbor's lab ate her furniture, including her couch! So did my sister's American bull terrier. 

    Yes, harry won't have a dog but he will have Inky!

    (Sev's rolling his eyes at me and giving me a Look . . .LOL! Sorry, but you didn't want a dog.)

    Thanks for reading!

Title: Remus to the Rescue 02 Jan 2009 9:50 pm
Reviewer: Caramello (Signed) [Report This]
    Awww, what a cute story! I never mentioned this before, I freaking love when Harry uses his little potty language, or even thinks it in his head. It's cute coming from a 5 year old, though I DO know it's not good for them to say or think those words... lol. But, it's really cute!

    Lucky for Harry he got his Inky not too much after this. Poor Sev... Lol.

    Author's Response:

    yeah and that stuff is typical of five-year-olds as I know perfectly well since I used to teach them.  And it's cute so long as it's not directed at you or another kid in your classroom. 

    And yes, it was good for Harry that he got Inky, but I'll bet Sev wished he had gotten him a puppy after that, LOL!

Title: Remus to the Rescue 11 Dec 2008 8:24 pm
Reviewer: wellyuthink (Signed) [Report This]
    Great end to the story - the tracking was great fun to read and I loved your solution to stop Summer being so naughty! Heh, poor Harry, I know what he feels like, wanting a dog but being told no! Wonderful story and very cute.

    Author's Response:

    I always wished I could talk to animals, although maybe I wouldn't like what they had to say . . .LOL!

    I was told no more dogs for a long time when i was a kid, until finally i was old enough to just get my own without getting parental approval.

    Glad you liked it, hope you and your beagle have a great Christmas, mine sure will . . .hopefully he won't eat any decorations this year, LOL!

    If you haven't seen it, I've got two new fics posted for the Christmas fest and the Winter one, and now I'm off to read yours!

Title: Remus to the Rescue 04 Dec 2008 2:04 pm
Reviewer: GoldenPhoenix (Signed) [Report This]
    what is your next big fic you are going to be working on? This fic was great as always.

    Author's Response: It's either going to be one of three things--the sequel to Hide Yourself From a Prisoner, or Dark Angel, or Heir to Prince Manor.  But currently I have no chapters written, just ideas.  I did write a short Christmas fic if you'd like to read that in the meantime called Severus' Christmas Wish.  I probably won't post anything new till after the holidays are over.  Unless I get a brainstorm . . .
Title: Remus to the Rescue 03 Dec 2008 7:48 pm
Reviewer: Lunaz (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Enjoyable story to read and had a chuckle with Harry's last line.

    Author's Response: Thanks and if you liked this one, you'll probably like my new Christmas story posted here as well--Severus's Christmas Wish.  Harry's such a character, huh?

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