Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Never Trust a Sleeping Puppy 19 Nov 2008 12:05 pm
Reviewer: Zarathustra (Signed) [Report This]
    How funny! Poor Harry is going to be finding feathers for months! I know - I had a puppy who ripped through a huge foam pillow when I was a teen, and I still found pieces of foam years later, hiding under the rug! Oy!

    And of course, being a typical 5 year old, he won't learn his lesson...

    Author's Response: You're right, feathers are the worst to clean up.  My niece broke open a feather pillow once and it took months to find all the feathers.  And Harry won't learn his lesson anytime soo, the scamp!
Title: Never Trust a Sleeping Puppy 19 Nov 2008 10:51 am
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Just one pee pool and one destroyed pillow? Add up! *grin* Mila

    Author's Response: Don't worry, it gets worse, much worse!
Title: Never Trust a Sleeping Puppy 19 Nov 2008 10:25 am
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    nice idea for harry having summer in his room but oh such a wrong move, puppies love to chew anything and everything and they can't control their bladders at all well, which harry found out. i hope sev isn't to hard on harry as in harrys mind summer was crying and he was only trying to comfort her

    Author's Response: Yes, but now hopefully he knows better and Severus will make sure the puppy stays out of there.
Title: I Volunteer to Dogsit 18 Nov 2008 9:50 pm
Reviewer: Lady Julie Snape (Anonymous) [Report This]
    ::arches eyebrow:: You can work on Dogsitter but not the sequel to Heir or Angel?

    ::throws hands up in the air:: Fine! I give up! You /win/!

    Very, very charming my dear. I can't wait to read more!

    Author's Response: Dogsitter's a short work, not a novel.  I can't start working on a new novel until I finish Shadows and then we'll see how it goes.  It gets pretty crazy round my house during the holidays, I'm hoping I can finish Shadows before the end of November.
Title: I Volunteer to Dogsit 18 Nov 2008 5:33 pm
Reviewer: kreacher (Signed) [Report This]
    harry really doesn't know how tiring looking after a pet can be, i hope it doesn't rain to much as harry won't like taking the dog for walks

    Author's Response: No, but he'll learn soo enough, LOL! And you're right, walking the dog in the rain is miserable, I've done it.
Title: I Volunteer to Dogsit 18 Nov 2008 4:21 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Hahaha, I can smell a big disaster! Good thing wizards have this quick cleaning spells (lucky them). Update soon, please. Mila

    Author's Response: Yes, it is.  And the disaster has four legs and a wildly wagging tail.
Title: I Volunteer to Dogsit 18 Nov 2008 2:25 pm
Reviewer: Mikee (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh my -- I'm no Trelawney, but even I can see that trouble is brewing -- and I DIDN'T even have to read the 'Chapter End Notes' to divine that, either. LOL

    The start of the story is a little confusing in that, although it's told from Harry's point-of-view, it seems as if it's from his POV a few years later -- as if it's quite a bit older and telling it to someone. Is that how you want it to read?

    Looking forward to the mayhem -- uh -- fun.

    Thank you.

    Author's Response:

    Well, he was around six when he wrote it, since at age five he didn't know how to write much except his name and address. But he is remembering it as it happened when he was five, similar to Growing Pains.

    And yes, mayhem is coming, on four paws, LOL!

Title: I Volunteer to Dogsit 18 Nov 2008 12:04 pm
Reviewer: Zarathustra (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Yippee, a new story! Looks like fun!

    Author's Response: It is, and this one will be very fun to read and not sad at all.
Title: I Volunteer to Dogsit 18 Nov 2008 11:25 am
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh boy! I've had many a dog that was trouble with a capital "T". Looks like Harry's going to have his hands full, and so is Sev.

    Author's Response: Boy is he ever! Just wait.
Title: I Volunteer to Dogsit 18 Nov 2008 5:14 am
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww, now Harry gets to watch a puppy. Can't wait to see what happens! It should be good.

    Author's Response: In the words of Tramp, from Lady and the Tramp, "She's just a cute little bundle of trouble!"

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