Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Just One Simple Wish 21 Nov 2014 3:36 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you a lovely story now I'll have to read the others in the series!
Title: Just One Simple Wish 21 Nov 2014 3:36 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you a lovely story now I'll have to read the others in the series!
Title: Just One Simple Wish 15 Mar 2010 1:58 am
Reviewer: RangeMan007 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    It was okay. The writing was excellent and everything but Malfoy annoys me to no end that I can't even shake with fanfic. I could just imagine introducing him to a power socket, handing him something nice and metal and then telling him to shove it in. It's not really a nice thing but that's how much appeal Malfoy has to me. Harry/Hermione also makes me groan, but at least there's no desire for electrocution. Besides, she wouldn't fall for it ;). I felt a pang when I read this because as much as I liked Alaina in the last fic, I still feel that it should have been Lily.

    Author's Response: Sounds like you hate Draco as much as I do James Potter. I'd like to attach him to a lightning rod in a bad storm. that's how much I dislike him.  I can't stand Harry/Ginny, it's so ughh . . .and it's his best friend's sister, that just makes it worse for me. I would never date my brother's best friend or any of his family members because it would just seem wrong and awkward. Yeah, well, unfortunately Lily is dead these many years and Severus now has a new family to grow old with and to celebrate holidays with. And he does deserve it. Lily gets her chance in Apothecary Knows Best.
Title: Just One Simple Wish 22 Sep 2009 10:38 am
Reviewer: Ramelia (Signed) [Report This]
    This was wonderful. I enjoyed immensely "Never Again" (since I love all fics that allow Tobias to atone, to some degree at least, for his rubbish treatment of Severus as a child), though the sequel wasn't to my taste. This companion piece, however, was simply lovely. I guess, Christmas stories can be read throughout the year - they always give you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside :) And I was in dire need of some heart-warming fluff.

    It's always interesting to see such family dynamics as this - the bickering between siblings, the parents' reaction to it, and then learning to get along. I was a little dubious about Harry's portrayal at first (since my nephews are nearing thirteen and they couldn't care less about girls:), but then again, not all boys are the same (the film "Don Juan DeMarco" comes to mind:). Oh, and picturing Draco playing with dolls put a huge smile on my face that won't come off that easily :)

    Sweet little story, topped with a happy ending - thank you!

    Author's Response: You're welcome! If you liked this, there's another little fic that comes after it called the 4th of July Deer with more of Tobias and the Snapes on vacation in Pennsylvania.
Title: Just One Simple Wish 01 Jan 2009 11:23 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful! It was sweet, funny, creative and over-all very enjoyable to read.

    I'm glad the kids could work together to get along for their parent's sakes. Every sibling fights, and though theirs was humorous to read, it certainly wasn't for the parents to endure.

    Eileen is such a little brat! lol, but very cute :D It was great when she put on that show to get Draco to do what she wanted, he must have been mortified! It was good he and Ron got along, as the Snape siblings would feel quite conflicted with them fighting.

    Brilliant Christmas story, very festive :D

    P.S. Look out for more reviews as I'm trying to catch up and read those I've yet to.

    Author's Response:

    No, it isn't and heaven help the poor parents who have to live with it.  I'm glad I don't have kids yet. 

    Eileen is a very smart little kid, she knows how to make people do what she wants, LOL! Draco didn't have a prayer . . .poor kid!  I wanted them to get along in this series, since in my others, they fight, so that's why I had Draco grow up free of Malfoy prejudice, except for a bit of pureblood snobbery, but Lexy will straighten him out eventually.

    Thanks, Beth for reading and hope you're enjoying your new year!

Title: Just One Simple Wish 27 Dec 2008 10:00 pm
Reviewer: Caramello (Signed) [Report This]
    *Heart melts* Such nice kids they have, lol. LOVED it!


    Author's Response: Yeah, they're something else! I have plans for a sequel too. Thanks again for reading & reviewing.
Title: Just One Simple Wish 09 Dec 2008 5:30 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    i like this version....very nice!

    i guess wishes do come true!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, Amy!

    Some wishes do come true, if you're lucky!

    Check out my Winter fic too, it's about wolves and Harry and sev of course!

Title: Just One Simple Wish 09 Dec 2008 2:46 pm
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    That was lovely! its nice that all the kids made the effort to be civil with each other : )

    Author's Response:

    My sister asked that of her kids one year and they DID try . . .it worked for about a week, LOL!

    I've also posted a Winter tale, if you'd like to read it.  Thanks for reviewing!

Title: Just One Simple Wish 06 Dec 2008 4:51 pm
Reviewer: Mel (Anonymous) [Report This]
    What a great Christmas story and a great moral too. I'll have to use it on my own sons, 'cause they fight like crazy and sometimes I'm with Severus and I want to move away to a deserted island!

    Author's Response: Me too, especially when I'm in the same room as my nephews, LOL! Thanks!
Title: Just One Simple Wish 06 Dec 2008 2:14 pm
Reviewer: GoldenPhoenix (Signed) [Report This]
    cute and sweet. please write another story soon

    Author's Response: I just have, as a matter of fact. It's called A Wolf in Winter and it should be a multi-chaptered short story.

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