Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For A Wolf in Winter
Title: First Encounter 11 Dec 2008 1:10 pm
Reviewer: Kerowyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow! I love the imagery in this part, I could picture it so clearly, and it made me want to run in to the woods and see a wolf too! Hurry and update, I want to know what happens!

    Author's Response: Thanks, this was a story that begged me to write it, since I love wolves.  You can read the update now as it's been posted. 
Title: First Encounter 11 Dec 2008 10:37 am
Reviewer: Poirot (Signed) [Report This]
    Another great story. You really brought Harry's childlike trust and wonder to life. Great job!

    Author's Response: Thanks, I love writing about children before they lose that innocence . . .in today's world, it lasts such a short time (sigh)!  And since I've just posted the next chapter . . .
Title: First Encounter 10 Dec 2008 5:10 pm
Reviewer: Mervoparkite (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I like!!

    Are we seeing a sprit of the Woods or is this an anamagus--wrong time of day for Moony...

    Looking forward to your next update!

    Author's Response: You'll find out exactly what the silver wolf is as the story progresses, I don't want to spoil the ending! Speaking of updating . . .I have just posted1 Thanks for reviweing! :)
Title: First Encounter 10 Dec 2008 3:49 pm
Reviewer: Lady Julie Snape (Anonymous) [Report This]
    What do you mean what do I think?

    I'm glad to see your still writing!

    Brilliant little story. I loved it.

    Keep smiling and keep writing!

    Author's Response: Hi, I just managed to get hold of my dad's computer to post this.  And it's not over yet, there's more to come! And I'm working on the sequel to Heir also! Hopefully my laptop will be back soon!
Title: First Encounter 10 Dec 2008 3:46 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved the imagery in this--the snowy woods, the magnificent wolf standing and watching and little Harry staring back at him.

    Just beautiful!

    Can't wait for more!

    Author's Response: Thanks, I remember a lot of that from when I was little, except we didn't have any cool wolves where I lived.
Title: First Encounter 10 Dec 2008 3:40 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Awesome1 I wanted to know more about the wolf story and I loved how Sev levitated harry to the top of the tree so he could put the star on. The wolf sounded so beautiful, I hope he returns.

    Author's Response:

    You'll see!

    I liked when Sev did that too!  There will be a bedtime story next.

Title: First Encounter 10 Dec 2008 2:10 pm
Reviewer: Mikee (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Neat start. I really liked the visual I got reading it.

    I'm quite looking forward to seeing where this story goes.

    Thank you.

    Author's Response: It should be very interesting! *grins*
Title: First Encounter 10 Dec 2008 12:35 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Ooh, Nice beginning. I just read your other story, and I'm intrigued by the way this one is beginning.

    I hope the wolf returns. It doesn't seem dangerous, does it?

    I love Christmas, and winter stories, and your wonderful descriptions make me feel like I'm there drinking hot chocolate, making snow angels and watching those sparkling snowflakes coming down. Oh...right...we've just have about 25-30cm (uh, 20 inches maybe) of the white stuff since yesterday, and more is falling!

    I don't mind though, because I love the snow. The cold, well....not so much! ;)

    Author's Response:

    The wolf shall return, don't worry!

    We haven't had much except flurries down here at the Jersey shore, but I like writing these kinds of stories.  Up in North Jersey we used to get tons of snow when I was a kid and I still remember how much fun it was to play in it.  I love snow, but not if I'm driving, LOL! Stay warm, keep reading, & drink lots of hot chocolate, yum!

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