Reviews For A Wolf in Winter
Author's Response: Thanks and same to you! :) I should be posting a sequel soon, I think.
Author's Response: Thanks and now I can read yours since my computer is working and my mom's out of the hospital. Merry Christmas!
Author's Response: No, Silverstrike's magic was very specific--Remus chose to surrender his former werewolf self to a wolf form and will remain a wolf till the end of his life, though he is more intelligent and understanding than a real wolf. I do have plans for a sequel, I really liked the way this one turned out.
I can see why Lupin chose to be a wolf. Life sucked as a werewolf. Author's Response: It wasn't a real threat, simply a way for Sev to stress that harry should behave, and it was Remus's fault for suggesting it to him. He really does love Harry. Lupin's life as a wolf is definitely better than being a werewolf. No doubt about it. Hope you had a nice Christmas.
Author's Response: Even wolves , perhaps especially them, deserve a family and a home. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Author's Response: Thanks and that's just what I hoped to give people this year--since this season is always so stressful, especially if you have sick family members like I do.
Update soon, I want to see more of the wolf! Author's Response: He sure will and unfortunately, this little tale is at an end. But I might have a sequel or two squirrelled away in my brain, if you'd like one. And yes, Silver/Remus will be in it.
I really like the connection Remus has to Will, it makes what happened to Remus a lot more logical, although the way the book appeared isn't strictly how the Accio charm is supposed to work (sounds more like an object Apparition). And I loved this line: "So what? I like long stories." I'll have to use it next wheneber someone says "Oh, it's a long story." Merry Christmas. Author's Response: No, Silverstrike simply meant that the other curse--of being lonely and despairing-- was now broken since he had been accepted into the Snape family. Remus will remain Silver forever, that was what was meant when Silverstrike required Remus to surrender himself--allowing the spirit wolf to transform him into Silver, a magical wolf. I never considered the Beauty and the Beast angle, but now that I think about it . . .you're right. I know it's a different version of Accio that Severus used, a more advanced form, since he is a master wizard. I always say that when people say "It's a long story" to me, LOL! It works! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too!
Author's Response: I was going to have Will related to Severus too or Harry, but decided just having him related to remus was enough. Glad you liked it!
I also loved Sev's comment about huffing and puffing and blowing the door down! Author's Response: Thanks and I love Little Red Riding Hood and couldn't resist putting that little tag in. You'll see what happens with Sev and Harry soon. |
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