Reviews For A Wolf in Winter
The only fault I could see was Severus' fake threat to send Harry to the Dursleys. No parent should ever threaten to send their child away - especially to people who treated the child badly. But I want to know more about how Severus got Harry and how they live and everything. Author's Response: Hmm . . .never thought about that, but first they're going to have to figure out Sirius is innocent before they could attempt a rescue attempt. You can blame Remus for Severus's comment, since he suggested that to him and sev took his advice. Of course, he would never really do that. As to how Sev got Harry, that part is in Snowflakes and Memories, and I might just write a few other little fics to fill in about his other years with Severus.
Please, make another sequel. Merry Christmas and thnaks for the coffee and the cookies . . .mmmm! Author's Response: Aww . . .you're sweet! Have a Merry Christmas and relax!
I loved the dialogue between Severus and Remus, it was done perfectly, and I especially loved the part when Severus says, "Well, what are you waiting for? Christmas?" Beautiful1 Hope Remus can make Harry feel better and that haryr and Severus reconcile. Author's Response: Yeah, Sev has some great lines, doesn't he? Glad you liked the scenes and that I made you feel sad for both of them, like I did. Thanks and hope you like the end.
I would love to see more of Harry, Sev, & Silver, maybe when Harry goes to Hogwarts? Merry Christmas to you too and thanks for the eggnog and cookies1 Yum! I loved this story! Author's Response: Thanks and I'll consider a sequel at a later date, once I've started on some of my other fics.
Awesome! LMFAO! Can't wait to see what happens next! Author's Response: Thanks! I liked that line too! You can see what happens since the next chapter is up!
Was I wrong. I like this Remus. I hate him in the book. So much. He's an idiot in the book. Just as bad as Sirius. Never would have guessed that. Hmm... Update soon. Author's Response: I like him too! He's much more concerned with his behavior towards Severus here and making amends, more of a responsisble adult, even if he is a wolf. Thanks for your review, as always.
Author's Response: I'm glad I got Harry down, that part was a little bit tough to write, I didn't want Harry to see like he was overreacting or something. Remus should be able to help him and it helped with the convincing that Remus couldn't lie to Severus. The next chapter's up!
In answer to your question, I may enter the christmas story... I've been thinking of something all morning... we'll see. Author's Response: Ha! I was hoping most of you woouldn't suspect till the end who Silver really was. That would ruin the surprise. Anyhow, you can read the rest of this now, it's been posted. Write a Christmas story, Zara, I'm sure it'll be great!
Author's Response: You were, great job with guessing Silver was Remus. And you won't have to wait for long, the last chapter is posted.
Author's Response: yes, i couldn't write a story with wolves and not include Remus somehow. The next one's up, and you can see what happens now. Thanks for reviewing! |
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