Reviews For A Wolf in Winter
Author's Response: Thanks, I love surprises! Makes a nice Christmas present, no? And the last chapter's posted too, let me know what you think. Thanks, Mila!
Author's Response: Yes, harry certainly has a temper to rival Severus's, doesn't he?
I really like the encounter between Severus and Remus, and the way Remus explained what had happened to him. I would never have guessed it was him prior to this chapter, but now looking back, it does make sense. Harry's remorse was genuinely believable - Remus was right, we all say things we don't mean sometimes. By the way, I forgot to mention it in my previous review, but I love the idea of the Question Book that Harry mentioned: it'd be interesting to see what happened if Severus stumbled over it sometime XD Author's Response: That would be too funny, could you imagine the look on his FACE! LoL! I'm glad you were surprised, it's good to throw a surprise in there every once in awhile, so it doesn't become too predictable. All too often we speak before we think and it's then that we say things that hurt people the most. I've just posted the last chpater, so you can read it whenever you'd like! And there's another Christmas fic by me posted also Severus's Christmas Wish.
Thanks so much for two updates so close together: I'm home sick so it's nice to have something to read besides my exam results. Author's Response: Hang on, I'll be posting the next chapter in about five minutes. The next chapter features Silver and Severus . . .together!
Although now he's in worse trouble. He'd better pray that Sev doesn't just unlock the door with a spell and wallop him. Author's Response: That could happen, you never know what Severus will do in a temper. You'll know soon enough when I post the next chapter!
Author's Response: Yes, and it's going to be a long one. Hopefully I can post it up later on tonight!
Author's Response: Thanks and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. I should have another chap up soon! So keep watch!
Author's Response: Yes, harry certainly could use some divine intervention, LOL! And you're right, Severus does love Harry very much.
Author's Response: No he won't! And Harry is in big trouble!
Author's Response: You'll see what happens next! Please keep reading! |
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