Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For A Wolf in Winter
Title: First Encounter 12 Dec 2008 6:26 am
Reviewer: Zarathustra (Signed) [Report This]
    Keep it going!!!

    Author's Response: Thanks, I will.  Are you going to write one too, Zara?
Title: Wolf Tale 12 Dec 2008 4:55 am
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    The story of silverstrike was quite a sweet one, is it a real story or did you just make it up? im thinking the wolf is Remus, that would be cool! : )

    Author's Response: I made it up it's my own invention.  You'll find out Silver's identity as the story progresses.
Title: Wolf Tale 12 Dec 2008 12:05 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I could just see them playing in the snow! This is nicely sweet and not too saccharine, the perfect story for a winter's evening. I think I'll be dreaming of Silver and Harry tonight. I can already see an image in my head of Harry snuggled against Silver's side, napping with a smile on his face...

    Lovely! I'm looking forward to the next chapter very much.

    Author's Response: Yes, that's exactly what Harry would do if he could, LOL! thanks for the review and hope you like what happens next!
Title: Wolf Tale 11 Dec 2008 11:04 pm
Reviewer: Kerowyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Thanks! i really needed that hot cocoa! And the cookies! I loved how the wolf tale correlated with harry's real situation and I hope they stay friends and severus doesn't freak when he finds out. Loving this!

    Author's Response: Thanks!
Title: Wolf Tale 11 Dec 2008 9:22 pm
Reviewer: Verdad y Vida (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'll take some cocoa and marshmellows! :D No cookies, though, sorry—we've been baking them all day. (Cookie decorating party this Saturday.)

    Anyway, this is really cute! Lots of fuzzies. Besides, I love wolves. Even if I didn't, I'd still have to give you kudos on my sister's behalf—trust me when I say she's crazy about them.

    Geez. This is very rambling. Hopefully that won't bother you... :D I'm very tired; I can't help it. But to get the point, I really like the chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one. 4 1/2 stars.

    P.S. Yikes, that is one big wolf. Good thing he/she is a nice one.

    Author's Response:

    Here you go, my pleasure!  Made with milk so it's nice and creamy . . .mmmm!!

    Got a late start on my cookie baking, but I'll probably be doing some this weekend.

    I love wolves too, I always donate to the Save the Wolves charities and once I owned a wolf-dog, he was the most amazing animal, almost 85% timber wolf and Malamute, he looked like the gigantic wolf in this story.  He was the smartest dog I have ever owned, but not an alpha.  His name was Myatuk and I still have his picture on my wall and in a silver locket, for he has been dead for ten years now.  But never forgotten.

    Ramble away . . .I don't mind, LOL!

    yes, he is quite big, and very special, as you'll see in a few chapters.

Title: Wolf Tale 11 Dec 2008 6:47 pm
Reviewer: iluvchocs (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh dear, I can't wait to see what happens when Severus finds out what Harry's been doing :D I really like the way you describe Harry's actions - young and innocent. Does everyone know that Harry Potter lives with Severus Snape?

    Author's Response:

    Uh . . .he's going to be very . . .surprised and . . .well, you'll see . . .

    No, not everyone knows that Harry was once Harry Potter, Severus doesn't want the fame to go to his head, so he hasn't really told him yet about being the Boy-Who-Lived.  Thanks for reviewing and I also have a Christmas fic posted set in the NA universe.

Title: Wolf Tale 11 Dec 2008 6:29 pm
Reviewer: blackmagicwoman (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh what a beautiful story, Iloved it and how the paralleles are similar to Harry and the mystery wolf.

    Author's Response: Good job on picking up that little hint.  There are a lot of similarities . . .on purpose . . .between the legend and Harry's situation.  Thanks for reviewing.
Title: Wolf Tale 11 Dec 2008 6:07 pm
Reviewer: Mel (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh! Is this wolf the same or a descendant of Silverstrike? I loved the way they played together and Sev's reading of the story was great. Update soon please!

    Author's Response: You'll see at the end just what the wolf is and where he comes from. Thanks for reviewing!
Title: First Encounter 11 Dec 2008 6:05 pm
Reviewer: Mel (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Loved this beginning! I can't wait to see what happens between Harry and the silver wolf! I always wanted a wolf for a pet when I was small.

    Author's Response: Funny you should say that . . .I did too, and I actually had a wolf dog as a pet for many years, he was an amazing and wonderful dog.
Title: Wolf Tale 11 Dec 2008 6:02 pm
Reviewer: Lady Julie Snape (Anonymous) [Report This]
    My Mom used to rub my back to put me to sleep when I littler. She still does it sometimes - but mainly when I'm sick.

    ::sniffles:: I hate winter colds! I'm guessing it snows where you live? ::throws hands up to defend herself:: Yes, yes, I'm ignorant!

    Is the great wolf Silverstrike? And does Severus have an Animagus form in your Never Again series?

    Update soon! I'm eagerly looking for the sequels to my fav stories. ::winks::


    Author's Response:

    Uh . . .in South jersey we get mostly rain and ice, and some snow, but in Northern New Jersey where I grew up, we got feet of snow and were missing school because of it.  When i was kid we prayed for snow days, LOL!

    The silver wolf's identity will be revealed at the end of this story, can't tell you now, it'll ruin the ending.

    Severus may or may not have an Animagus form in Never Again, I haven't decided yet.

    I'm currently outlining Return to Prince Manor.

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