omg Harry's last line was so sweet
Title: Part II
| 14 Nov 2012 4:13 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you for a lovely fluffy story
Title: Part II
| 22 Feb 2010 9:02 am
Reviewer: writeurlife (Anonymous)
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I pick adorable! Lolz. Why do all your choice adjectives begin with "a"? I'm more likely to saw "aww, cute!" myself.
Lol...Awesome, definitely. Seriously, though, really cute story. I thoroughly enjoyed it. :0)
That was sappy--but I liked it! Your Sev sure does have a long fuse--I'm surprised he tolerated Harry talking about his singing in front of Dumbledore and McGonnagle. Lol, nice work!
Aw--poor Harry. That was cute (except for the tantrum part, but that wasn't supposed to be, lol).
Hahaha, that was a cute story :D Compared to many stories like it, this was far from being OOCish. I guess to a Sevitus newbie it might be, but I thought it was fantastic :D