Reviews For Harry and His New Family
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
It's good to see Harry and his family bonded so firmly to each other. It's clear that they will all be very happy together. Now let's see who will win the bet.... Great chapter! Author's Response: You will see what at the Burrow will happen in the next chapter. Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
I'm even more looking forward to seeing how Harry does at the Burrow. I have a feeling that things might not go as planned. Poor Harry.......things always have a way of going crazy when he's around, don't they? Thanks for the update. I'm guessing that Harry is going to be cleaning a few cauldrons pretty soon. Author's Response: You wil see soon. Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Great chapter. I am worried about Draco too. Do we get a scene of him soon? Thanks for the update!!! Great chapter! Author's Response: Many readers asked me if the boy was magical or had magical relatives. I hadn't thought that you are confused about the boy. He is a muggle. The stranger who helped Narcissa and Remus is living inside the village and the people around him don't know that he is a wizard. So he is just a member of their community and knows the parents of that bully. He will tell his parents and... It won't be mentioned in the story. Sorry for the confusion. Magic is wonderful and so you don't have to worry about Harry. ;) The next chapter will be about Harry and later Harry will contact Draco and the readers will hear how he is. The wedding of Narcissa and Remus is soon, too, and there Harry and Draco will meet again. Thanks for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Many readers asked me if the boy was magical or had magical relatives. I hadn't thought that you would be confused about the boy. He is a muggle. The stranger who helped Narcissa and Remus is living inside the village and the people around him don't know that he is a wizard. So he is just a member of their community and knows the parents of that bully. He will tell his parents and... It won't be mentioned in the story. Sorry for the confusion. Thank you very much for your review! |
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