Reviews For Harry and His New Family
I wonder - there was a note from Tabitha when the fest started, that there were many volunteer betas for the fest. Maybe someone of them would "adopt" you now the fest is over? Asking would not hurt, anyway. Just a thought, I hope it is not an unwelcome piece of advice. Mila Author's Response: I tried to contact my beta about the chance to have another beta and my old beta as a second beta, but she isn't answering at the moment. I don#t really know what to do at the moment. She is a great beta but I can't go on in this pace or I will loose my interest in Cherokee Camp. I have to think about a solution. Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Great chapter. When Harry fell and hurt his arm the story moved very swiftly, it was great to read. I worry about Eathan and whether or not he thinks its his fault Harry got hurt. I wonder if Harry will be able to take some classes during the summer. He does have teachers as parents, after all. Great chapter and thank you for the update!! :) Author's Response: Eathan is okay. Don't worry about him. We will see if Harry needs summer classes. :) Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Oh, he potion is VERY dangerous! Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Oh, my God, I didn't even think about the possibility of a bad interaction with his calming draught. Sometimes you readers have more overview of the story and better ideas than me. Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: I'm very glad you still enjoy the chapters. And of course I'm glad you are reviewing. Thank you very much!
Great chappie as usual. Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
"That's ten points taken for running in the halls," Severus said. Just lol! Typical Sev! Author's Response: Yes, I also thought it is very typical for Severus. :) Thank you very much for your review! |
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