Reviews For Harry and His New Family
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
I hope that maybe Harry will heal and he'll be able to play Quidditch again! Nice work, and I love the twins and the family dynamic. Author's Response: He will have the oppotunity to play Quidditch again in a few month. Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Author's Response: Thank you very much!
Author's Response: :) Thanks for your review!
Author's Response: I think the problem will solve itself in the next chapters! Thanks for your opinion and the review!
great chapter and thank you for writing and sharing this story with us! Author's Response: Yes, he will learn to control them. Thanks for your review! By the way do you still update your 'Jan's list' ? I'm fighting my way through it. It's amazing. It must have cost you a lot of time but thanks for it!
Author's Response: I'm glad you like it! :) Thanks for your review!
Be careful to watch the tenses. You seem to want to write in the past tense, but not everything matches right. For example: "Harry didn't knew what to say to all this." It should be "Harry didn't know what to say to all this." Know is present tense because didn't is past tense already and you aren't supposed to have two past tense words in a row. Author's Response: I will check it again. The tenses are very hard for me. :(
Author's Response: Yes, many adult underestimate it! Thanks for your review! |
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