Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 48 – More talk 27 Mar 2011 6:44 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oi, I think it helped Harry a bit to know that Sev and Ivy have had to deal with their own dark times and grieving and bad emotions over their unborn son. I think it makes them more human, not so all knowing and powerful. I'm glad he feels better about his grandparents coming.

    Author's Response: Thank you again for your review!
Title: Chapter 46 – The Essay 27 Mar 2011 5:35 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Signed) [Report This]
    Harry cannot seem to stay out of trouble...tsktsk

    Author's Response: :D
Title: Chapter 45 - More Discussions 27 Mar 2011 5:25 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Signed) [Report This]
    Jeez I'd think the essay detention would have just been canceled...oi.
    I can't believe Ethan said that about Harry's parents! lol haha children will say just about anything! hahaha

    Author's Response: Yes, kids are so refreshing honest and don't think much about what they say.
Title: Chapter 44 - Serious Talks 27 Mar 2011 5:12 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Harry : (
    I'm glad he woke up to Moody instead of a disapointed or slightly angry Severus. James is a good healer.

    Author's Response: Thank you very much!
Title: Chapter 40 – The Adoption 27 Mar 2011 4:07 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay the papers are signed!!! Great!

    Author's Response: :D Thank you!
Title: Chapter 38 – Starting Anew 27 Mar 2011 1:33 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Signed) [Report This]
    Awwww Ivy and Sev, how----adorable! I just LOVE their relationship! They care about each other so much!
    I love the twins, they are so innocent! The three of them sleeping in Ly's bed, freaggin adorable!

    Author's Response: :) I'm glad you liked it!
Title: Chapter 34 – Becoming friends? 27 Mar 2011 12:42 pm
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Signed) [Report This]
    Hmm, is Hagrid still the same in this universe you have created? I'm not used to this Hagrid, he seems too serioussss. lol.
    I'm still a bit peeved at their ridiculous punishment.
    10 page essay...ugh.
    The grounding, a whole week without being able to visit with his friends. Wit all the stuff he's going through, this is the time where he needs his friends the most.
    Not trying to get all sentimental over a fictitious story, but i've been through something like Harry and it just seems too harsh a punishment for something as small as not knowing how to control your anger issues. Grown ups should already know that abused children need to be put in anger management right away, as well as therapy to increase their self esteem.Also Albus needs to give it a rest and learn to relax...such a meanie!
    Ok, ok , ok, I will try not to mention how unnerved I am by their punishment anymore (try). lol
    either way, still a great story. I really want to deknome a garden now lol. I'm glad Draco and Harry are getting along better, but I don't quite understand the thing with Lucius. Was he a Death Eater?
    Great chapter, on to the next!

    Author's Response:

    I so suck in writing Hagrid. Not that I can't even write his language as English isn't my mother tongue but I even have problems with his character.

    The same goes for Ron and Hermione. That's the reason why they show up so seldom. :(

    Yes, I shocked a few people with Dumbledore here. He was 'a bit' out of character. :)

    Lucius was a Death Eater and spy like Severus and was killed before his name was cleared to the public.

    Thank you for the review! I really like your detailed comments. 

Title: Chapter 31 - Punishment 27 Mar 2011 11:57 am
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Signed) [Report This]
    This was really well written, but I have a few comments on the errr flow (?) of the story.
    One thing is that is seems everyone was wayyy to harsh with Harry. I mean he is going through so much, especially with these incredibly cumbersome panic attacks, then Draco comes in and says the most hurtful things anyone could hear, Harry tried to do the right thing by using the inhaler and Draco knocked it out of his hand. But, everyone is speaking with Harry as if he lost complete control and just lashed out on Draco. I know you shouldn't hit people who only verbally assault you, but jeez, I think they reacted to harshly for someone as emotionally distraught as Harry.
    The other thing I wanted to mention was the punishment. The 10 page essay seems unrealistic for a 13 year old. After all, the paper would only be on their actions and what they could do differently. Some full blown research papers are even hard to get to ten pages, and their written by uni. students. Also, I really hope they don't take the weekend trip away from him. I think a week being grounded, deknoming the garden and an extremely long essay is already so much for someone that has been through the ringer like this.
    I know this review is super long, but I just wanted to say what I felt ^ up there.
    I really am liking this story and i'm glad there are so many chapters! I shouldn't finish for days! So I can be lazy for the next week or two and just read XD loool
    I haven't checked to see if you've wrote anymore stories, but I shall when I finish this one. You're a great writer!

    Author's Response:

    All the adults are pedagogues and at least here they always feel the need to teach children that violence never is a solution for problems. I don't think they could have stopped themself. Even so Harry had been through a lot he needs rules and especially has to learn that hurting someone else isn't accepted.

    Yes, I see your point about the pages. I will change it. Three then? Or still too much?

    Yes, I have written much more stories and on ff.net are even more. To this story here already is a sequel up. :)

     Thank you for yourlong and detailed review!



Title: Chapter 18 - James 27 Mar 2011 5:41 am
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Signed) [Report This]
    I find it interesting that Harry is able to let people come close to him or touch him after such abuse, guess his spirit isn't broken. That's good!
    He's also very outspoken. Most abused children are not that outspoken, especially so soon after the abuse and being introduced into new surroundings.
    Nevertheless, great chapter!

    Author's Response:

    I have seen a lot of different reactions of abused children and teenager. Some are very clingy others are withdrawn or agrresive to others or themselves. Each child is so different. Still I never attempt to show real life in my stories. I just write them to balance myself out. Therefore Harry has to suffer so much and my adults character always make a lot of mistakes. I'm glad you nevertheless like the story.


Title: Chapter 12 – Harry 's New Home 27 Mar 2011 4:43 am
Reviewer: Phoenixa Nymphadora (Signed) [Report This]
    This is great! I really like Ivy and Ly. Severus seems a bit ooc and Dumbledore too kind of.
    I really love the relationship between Ivy and Severus. She seems like the perfect type of woman for him. Someone sweet and caring, but can match him in sarcasm. XD

    Author's Response:

    I always write Dumbledore more kind than in the original book. I really liked his character and the last book shocked me a bit.

    Yes, Ivy is perfect for Severus. :)

    Thank you for your review!

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