Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: With the Help of Hedwig 05 Jan 2009 3:42 pm
Reviewer: sappysam (Signed) [Report This]
    MORE MORE MORE DEFINATELY!!!!!!!!! Very good i was disapointed to see only 1 chapter - this will make a really good story at least 40 chapters!!!!! hehehe!!

    Author's Response: Yes, I'm sure it would make a good chaptered story but I first have to finish one of my other 3 unfinished stories. It's already very hard to not get confused with the different plots. When I have finished one of them I will start writing a sequal to this one!
Title: With the Help of Hedwig 05 Jan 2009 12:12 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I can imagine that a job like yours would be so incredibly difficult. It's such an important job, but I'm sure it is very draining emotionally and very frustrating at times, too.

    I enjoyed your story, though I felt very badly for Harry, poor kid. I'm glad Snape and Moody came to help, but I'm curious as to how exactly they figured out something was wrong, if Harry was lying in all his letters.

    I think you should continue this one! Good job!

    Author's Response: I wondered if people will understand it without me giving them the final hint. Look at the title and what Ron was writing in his letter to Harry! :) I think about writing a chaptered "Snape as Harry's guardian story" as a sequel to this one-shot, but first I have to finish at least one of my other stories. I have actually 3 chaptered stories running and that is already very confusing. :)

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