Title: Some Kind of Revenge
| 05 Feb 2011 6:20 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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Yes!!!!!!!!! I love this story soooooooo much!!!!!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
Author's Response: Yay! I'm so glad you're enjoying it. Thanks so much for reading. Regards, Shoon
Oh my gosh, what a heartbreaking chapter and that bastard Craig. Poor Harry and poor Severus for not knowing yet of what's to come and how Harry is going to respond to him. On to chapter 16.
Author's Response: Oh I know, it's terrible ins't it? It was so horrible to write those chapters, as Harry's emotions just drained me. - Shoon
It has been 2 years since I last read your story over on ff.net. The last review that I left was at the end of this chapter and I was so upset that I could no longer continue reading. I have now once again picked up your story and have re-read up to this point once again. I am still very emotional about this chapter and what happened and it still moves me very profoundly. I think when I left my review over on ff.net I was completely stunned even thought the title of your story is "torn apart world" and you did say in the warnings about a betrayal and I was still completely stunned. And in that you have done an amazing thing. You as a writer through your words made me the reader so completely emotional and invested in your story, I literally forgot that Harry was a character a story. I know that sounds weird but that is just how I felt. Now almost 2 years later, I am re-reading your story and remembering what an out-standing writer you are. I love that you make me feel - whether it be happy or sad -- you have moved me and to me as a reader, even 2 years later, is incredible. Well now that I rambled on, I am finally moving forward to chapter 15 and as you said in your chapter end notes, I will be having hope in my heart and looking for the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you.
Author's Response: It took me a few minutes to come up with an appropriate response to your review. Merely saying 'thank you' does not seem enough. I am truly humbled and honored. This story was only a single chapter when I decided to turn it into a story, and to hear how profoundly it has affected you and how much you have enjoyed it, is one of the most amazing things I could ever hear. Though it doesn't nearly do justice to explain my feelings, I thank you so much for your words.
Title: Not the World
| 14 Jan 2011 1:50 pm
Reviewer: Tamzin Wilde (Anonymous)
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Please please continue this is the best fan fiction I have ever read, this story is amazing, I love it, thank you xx
Title: Crossing the Line
| 15 Dec 2010 8:59 pm
Reviewer: TheOtherSnape (Anonymous)
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W-O-W. That's all i can say. Just wow. This chapter is one of the best ones. I love angst, and this is exactly my cup of tea. Keep up the good work!!!!!
Title: Not the World
| 10 Aug 2010 12:58 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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Remember this story? This was a gooooood story...
Author's Response: It will still be good (hopefully) once I post the next chapter. Unfortunately I have been delayed since the death of my husband's Grandmother a few days ago. As soon as I am able, I will get things moving again. Sorry for the delay, but it shouldn't be too long. =) Thanks for reading!
Well worth the wait!
I'm glad you updated. This was wonderful--if heartwrenching. Harry and Sev :-) !
You did an excellent job of paiting those memories with Sev's reactions and feeling Harry's emotions. Although the best part was how Harry was worried about the Professor having to feel what he had.
Looking forward to your next update.
Author's Response: I liked that part too. Thanks for reading =)
Title: Not the World
| 23 Jun 2010 6:42 pm
Reviewer: Anon #37c (Anonymous)
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I am still interested! thank you for updating! Very well written chapter, as always. Thank you for continuing this excellent fic.
Author's Response: And thank you for continuing to read =)