I loved that last line. Just beautiful and so meaningful.
I loved how sensitive Severus was with Harry. I must admit though, I skipped over the descriptions of abuse. I just couldn't handle it,but it was very well written; the whole story is.
Wow that was a horrific nightmare, but it very clearly showed the struggle Harry is going through knowing that Craig was Snape and that the REAL Snape wouldn't hurt him, but still terrified that he will. I think the Dementors are Harry's fears of legillimancy.
Beautiful chapter and beautiful story! I loved how Severus is so gentle and tender with Harry, so determined to heal him from the horrible abuse he has suffered. Sitting with Harry through the night, helping him ease into sleep, and slowly showing him that he doesn't have to fear people touching him...it's so sad, but heart-warming, too.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Wow, I just found your story and am glad I did. I do like angst stories, as long as they are well written and this one definitely fits the bill. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Title: The Start of Something
| 29 Apr 2009 10:10 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed)
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I'm so sorry to hear about all the problems that you've been having. How horrible! I'm hope things are better for you now.
Great chapter by the way, and I loved when Harry called Snape, Dad, and Snape wished that Harry really was his son.
Title: The Start of Something
| 29 Apr 2009 3:22 pm
Reviewer: lyra (Signed)
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Just discovered this today and read the whole thing in one go. This is fantastic. Your writing is wonderful and the development of both Snape and Harry is perfectly paced.
Oh, and I'm a sucker for the "Dad" slip up, in whatever form it takes, so loved that.
I cannot wait for another chapter!
Title: The Start of Something
| 29 Apr 2009 11:50 am
Reviewer: La Mariane (Anonymous)
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I'm so glad you updated again, and that you can post again. I really liked this chapter, and I hope Harry will finaly manage to talk to Severus.
Title: The Start of Something
| 29 Apr 2009 5:42 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed)
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What a lovely, heart-rending chapter! I feel so badly for both Severus and Harry. Harry needs to heal and to be able to trust Severus again, and he's working on it, but it is so difficult for him. The memories of Craig's treachery and brutality are still too fresh and trust doesn't come easily for Harry anyway.
And how awful for Severus, too, to love Harry and to want to help him so badly, but have to go so carefully and slowly. Craig's betrayal was a terrible thing for Severus as well as for Harry.
I'm sorry you've had such awful trouble in real life and I hope everything will be safe and peaceful for you now! I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
What! Someone thought that you were an abuser? Hope everything is OK now. I love your work and this story is one of my favs. Don't let anyone get you down!
Wow! It was so exciting to see an update. It was a good chapter. My heart was wrung out with your depiction of a Harry who is trying to remember that this man did not cause him the pain, with Snape trying to regain Harry's trust, and with both Harry and Snape wanting a father/son relationship.
Thanks for updating.