Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Of Darkness and Fear 26 Feb 2009 10:16 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    I can only imagine the utter shock and bewilderment that everyone felt when Harry latched onto his once hated professor. Poor Harry, he seems so lost and afraid, it's sad :( Yet kind of adorable ^_^

    Sirius must be wondering ‘what the bloody hell is going on?!’ lol After all, not only is his godson apparently terrified of him, but he’s clinging onto 'the enemy' as well. Sirius will definitely be wanting some answers! We're all waiting for Dumbledore to speak up...

    I REALLY want to read more, so please, please post again as soon as you can! :)

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! more Dumbledore to come...and Sirius for the latter! =X Shock doesn't even describe whats going to come up next. I love Harry here, cute but sad.. Thanks for reviewing, will post again soon!


Title: Of Darkness and Fear 25 Feb 2009 8:56 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww poor harry! But I like how something in him recognizes that Snape is sad and needs someone and that even though he's kind of out of his mind, Harry recognizes that Snape makes a very good protector. Now if only Sev could realize that.

    As for Sirius, Lord the man's lucky Harry didn't pass out. really, the man has to learn some self-control, he used to be an Auror, for heaven's sake!

    Author's Response:

    Yup, poor Harry =( but he is SO adorable when he's...um...loopy..*hugs him!*   It's important for us to know that he can see the other side of Snape that he was kind of 'blinded' from seeing before, i'm glad you've picked that up.  Agreed, Sirius should gain self control, but you know how quick tempered the man is; Merlin help him when he learns what happened to his godchild! More to come thanks for the review =)


Title: Of Confrontations and Flames 25 Feb 2009 8:42 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    great chapter, I loved the way Sev and Sirius went at each other. And Dumbledore, he's too sneaky for a Gryffindor, why didn't he get put in Slytherin? Also, I have a question, it was kind of hinted at the end there that Albus got inside Sev's head. But Sev's a master Occulmens, how was that possible?

    Author's Response:

    Hey thankyou for the review! Sev and Sirius are fun to write about...and as for Dumbledore, I always wondered the same actually. cunning, old coot =X As for the ending of the chapter, I like to think that Albus just kind of "always knows" things that he shouldn't be knowing. Figures, he did in fact know Snape first as a boy before he became a man. It makes sense for Dumbledore to sense somethings up. Sometimes a little intuition, bad vibes, and assumptions is all one needs. We will see how this fairs out though. Thankyou for wondering, gives me things to think about too ;)


Title: Of Darkness and Fear 25 Feb 2009 5:41 pm
Reviewer: writeurlife (Signed) [Report This]
    haha, this is funny... you a sirius hater or does it just happen to work with this particular plot???

    Author's Response:

    *blushes* well...hate is a very stronge word, my friend. But A little torture here or there for Sirius can't hurt, can it? *evil smirk*

    Don't worry, I really don't hate the guy. He's not a flat character, he's fun, he's energetic, I actually do respect him when he doesn't act like a jerk. Keep reading to see how the plot developes! Shall be interestingggg


Title: Of Darkness and Fear 25 Feb 2009 10:42 am
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Nice chapter. Sirius just can't help but cause chaos, and Snape deserve all the torture but poor Harry. One question, if Pomfrey was to do a complete and thorough medical scan why did she not find evidence of not only the blood quill torture but of Harry's past with his relative? Is she incompetent? Why has she never addresses his lack of weight, his height--which is correctable in the muggle world--or his poor sight which would be detrimental in a fight with LV.

    Author's Response:

    hmm...THAT may just come up in a future chapter. We'll see. Poppy was probably more focused on Harry's head issues than his body at the moment. Thankyou for reviewing! more to come next chapter!


Title: Of Darkness and Fear 25 Feb 2009 1:03 am
Reviewer: xxslytheringirlxx (Signed) [Report This]
    wow this is soo amzing you have to keeep writing i love this story sooo much cant wait for the next chapter

    Author's Response:

    thanks! More to come soon!

Title: Of Darkness and Fear 25 Feb 2009 12:47 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, sweet chapter! Poor Sirius, and Harry! I bet that Black is not pleased... Thank you for the update!!

    Author's Response:

    No. he's not pleased at all. =X Thankyou for reviewing!


Title: Of Confrontations and Flames 21 Feb 2009 4:22 pm
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well this certainly showed the Slytherin in Snape. What a liar! How can Dumbledore possibly trust the git? However, I must protest on Harry's behalf the 'troublesome Gryffindor' remark. He has never been one for pranks or fighting and only broke the rules when his friends or Hogwarts was in danger. This attitude was encouraged, not discouraged in any way, by Dumbledore with his awarding of points and giving of invisibility cloaks. Face it, Dumbledore is training Harry obliquely to take up the mantel of savior of the wizarding world. For Dumbledore to now call him on this to Snape no less is blatantly unfair. And to double poor Harry's burden he will now have to suffer Snape's care after being attacked by the git. Just who will ever stand up for Harry while Dumbledore seems to care more for Snape?

    Well now that my rant is done it was a excellent chapter, can't wait for scary Dumbledore.

    Author's Response:

    Thankyou for the review =) And you have a good point. Just who will ever stand up for Harry? This will be addressed in future chapters, no worries. Stay tuned


Title: Of Odd Feelings and Red Hair 06 Feb 2009 4:17 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Good chapter, I liked the way you had Severus slowly realize that it wasn't just James's son he hurt, it was Lily's too. I hope Harry doesn't have brain damage. But I'm curious as to how harry got so many glass shards in him?

    I know the jar hit him in the head, and that's enough to knock him out and maybe cut him, but did he land on the broken glass on the floor too? Because I don't know if Snape could throw the jar that hard to warrent it shattering that way and not killing poor Harry.

    Just a thought.

    Author's Response:

    And a good one. Well, this is a fictional story, anything can happen =) Thankyou for reading and reviewing, Severus coming to realize that it wasn't just James's son is very important to how this story developes (as in the book thats all he ever saw Harry as being with the exception of the ending of DH) more to come soon! 


Title: Of Odd Feelings and Red Hair 06 Feb 2009 2:42 am
Reviewer: Elfwyn (Anonymous) [Report This]
    A couple of things, first off an interesting start and yes, poor Harry, once again suffering. Snape, however, would not have had to worry about kids getting out of classes as he carried Harry as the lessons were always after dinner in the evening and the students would have been in their common rooms.

    Another point I have yet to see in this type of fic is that if Snape vowed to Protect Harry and then violated that oath, shouldn't their be some consequences to Snape's magic? Here he has potential caused devastating injury, clearly a violation of a protection oath, magic should be either taking away his magic or causing him some pain in return. At least until he learns a lesson and Harry has returned to health. Perhaps he has to find a ritual to transfer some of his valued and vaulted brains to Harry.

    Author's Response:

    Hmmm interesting point there about common room factor and about how Severus "vowed to protect Potter."Its not as literally as it sounds but more of something that he did on using freewill like "sworn to himself" but you'll have to read and find out more! =) Anyway, let you be assured that there is going to be consquences to the man's misdeeds non the less....Thankyou for reading and reviewing =)


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