Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Of Memories and Dead Things 28 Jan 2009 10:06 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This was really good! I think I'm going to enjoy this fic! Keep up the good work!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! Much more to come! Thankyou for reading and reviewing!


Title: Of Memories and Dead Things 28 Jan 2009 10:03 pm
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Signed) [Report This]
    Interesting start. Do more.

    Author's Response:

    And more I will do =D thanks for reading and reviewing!


Title: Of Memories and Dead Things 28 Jan 2009 8:55 pm
Reviewer: Adah (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I liked this a lot! I'm personally a big fan of Oh-crap-i-hurt-potter-huggly!Snape so this worked for me
    keep on writing - its good for the soul :)))

    Author's Response:

    Hahahaha! Yes, I love being a fan of thoes stories as well. More is to come so stay tuned! I agree 100% that writting is good for the soul!!! Thankyou for reading and reviewing!


Title: Of Memories and Dead Things 28 Jan 2009 6:27 pm
Reviewer: PyroChilde (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Alright, let me start out by saying I love the idea behind this story and I think it has really great potential. Also, you're going to have to bare with me here as I've never really been good at con-crit (most of my reviews don't go beyond "I love it") lol.

    I think the plot is really good. I haven't read this particular "what if" before and its always great to find a new plot line. I liked Snape's voice in this chapter. It seemed very in character. Harry's voice seems...a bit off. I can't really point to anything specific but his thoughts don't seem his own. Your sentences in the first few paragraphs seem to border on run-ons but you seemed to work that out pretty quickly. By the end I think you have Harry sorted out too. I'd just take another look at the wording in the beginning. After Snape's POV, Harry seems a lot more in character.

    Now, all that above having been said, I really LOVED this first chapter and I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to read Snape's perspective of the ending there. I wouldn't change anything that actually happens in the fic, just some of the wording in the beginning, like I said. Also, keep in mind that this is just my two cents worth.

    Guh, I'm really sorry for dragging this review out so long :) One more thing then I'm done, I swear!! PLEASE write the next chapter SOON??? You're killing me here! I don't wanna wait for the edit to find out what happens next! **pouts**

    Kay, done now! Keep up the great work!

    Author's Response:

    Hi! Thankyou for the review, It's good to get a good long review despite that it's chapter 1 and nothing really happened yet =D but thankyou very much for the nice long feedback about the characterization. I actually re-edited this chapter before I posted it up here to get all the bugs out *smirks* there still remains to be some and hopefully I can find a beta-reader to nip out the rest (unfortuantly It's been hard looking =( 

    Yes, MUCH more is to come, no worries there. I will be posting up every week or a little some. Thankyou for reading! Glad you enjoyed!


Title: Of Memories and Dead Things 28 Jan 2009 4:44 pm
Reviewer: christy44 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hey this was a really good idea. Love how you started it and am looking forward to the update!!!! :)

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! More is to come! Thankyou for reading and reviewing!


Title: Of Memories and Dead Things 28 Jan 2009 4:38 pm
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    I truly like this. The flow is very good and you stayed with Harry's POV consistently throughout. I say that you should definitely goon forward with this.

    Author's Response:

    I'm Happy to say that I already have =) Thanks a bunch for reading and reviewing! More is to come!~!


Title: Of Memories and Dead Things 28 Jan 2009 3:56 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my God! This is great.

    Yuck though; getting hit with dead cockroaches! Ew! The thought gives me the creeps.

    I don't know what it was like before your changes, but I love it NOW.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! I had to get out some bugs cause I currently don't have a beta reader =(

    Harry has awesome luck doesn't he? mmmmm, jars of dead cockroaches, yummy! (lol eww)

    And Thankyou for reading and reviewing! More is to come!


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