Hmm....I can hardly wait to find out just what might happen next in this utterely brilliant story!
How will Severus and Harry continue to get on with there truce, and how will Severus plan to heal young Harry? Will Severus have any plans of revenge/justics against the Dursleys for the child abuse?
Just what will Hermione and Ron plan to uncover the truth about just what has happened to there friend Harry....or will someone stop them before they blow the cover of Harry's true reasons for being hidden?
Haha! you've just got to love fates wicked sense of humour, in that young Harry, only feels a small sense of safety/protection from Severus from everyone else. Its amazing how the only thing that Harry has been able to recall is the name Snape...perhaps because of the fact that theres was the last altercation that took place before the tragic accident...or the amount of impact that Severus has had upon young Harry's life!
Will Severus learn anything of the truth about Harry's childhood, will he allow himself to learn the truth? What will happen to Harry during the holidays?
Title: ...And then there was Two
| 26 Mar 2011 5:01 pm
Reviewer: Mess of me (Anonymous)
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Okay. I have been waiting for months for you to update. Where is it?! I just may lower my raiting of your story if you do not update.
Title: Of Odd Feelings and Red Hair
| 26 Mar 2011 2:12 pm
Reviewer: Mess of me (Anonymous)
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Hey! Okay, I don't get it. Black is an overpowering color, isn't it? You would not be able to see blood on his head if it were in his hair. Also, wouldn't there have to be extreme amounts of blood that would have to dry very quickly for Harry to get red hair? And his hair wouldn't be exactly red, it would be a copper brown.
Good job Severus. You may just as well have killed the BWl.
Fantastic story so far! (yes, I'm going to keep reading... I just thought I ought to comment....)
Just a quick and light nag post... just to let you know that I hope you'll update soon.
Title: ...And then there was Two
| 10 Dec 2009 1:11 am
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed)
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arg hermonie, sometimes she makes me frustrated *sigh* lol
ACK!!!! It's amazing!!! I'm so so so curious as to what happens next... plz write more soon!!!! thanks!!!
Title: ...And then there was Two
| 02 Dec 2009 12:57 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you for the story. I liked the last two chapters as there was more dialouge and action.