Reviews For Lily's Charm: Legacy
Oh no! No more L.C.? That was a brilliant chapter, and I'm so pleased that Ginny and Harry made up, as well as Ron and Hermione and that Mrs. Weasley obviously accepted Harry and Ginny into their family again I pleased that you've updated but disappointed that the story is ending already.
Author's Response: This installment was meant to be a series of vignettes but I got sidetracked. I've spent the last few months trying to figure out a way to prolong it because I don't want it to end. But I've finally realized that I can't create a convoluted plot for the sake of keeping it going. The epilogue will be long and will explore several years' worth of their lives. My mind isn't finished at all; the story wants to be told in this way--I'm just finally doing what it's been asking for all along.
I just don't want it to end!! Author's Response: We still have the epilogue, which will be long and hopefully will satisfy you. I don't want it to end either but unless I create a convoluted plot, there is only life's little moments left to be captured. They've gone through all the hard stuff and now it's time for them to be happy.
Author's Response: Thanks. I'm having a bit of a writer's block since my original plot didn't work out so I'm carving out a new one, but yep, I'll definitely be continuing. :o)
really cute scene with Sev and Lily at the beginning I'm really happy that Ginny and Harry are together againn Looking forward to moree :)
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