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Title: Chapter 5: Haven't You Ever Heard of Avada Kedavra? 30 Apr 2009 2:05 am
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    Good chapter. Just a little point, but I was struck by the fact that Severus didn't even punish Harry or his rashness in flying over the forbidden forest. That's proof right there of how much their relationship has changed.

    I feel really badly for Severus about his parents. I hope he doesn't shut Harry out too much.
Title: Chapter 5: Haven't You Ever Heard of Avada Kedavra? 29 Apr 2009 10:40 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh wow, Levi protected Harry. That is so sweet. I love that little dragon.

    Poor Severus, having to be torn like that. Between hatred and worry over Harry's reaction should he find out what Severus did.

    Tsk tsk Harry. You'll never lose your propensity for getting into trouble young man. But I'm so glad that all he got was a concussion. I was really worried!

    I'm so glad you gave us this lovely chappie Tabitha, and it was well worth the wait!
Title: Chapter 4: Only Levi to Keep Me Company 20 Apr 2009 7:12 pm
Reviewer: waterleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Of course Dumbledore knows about the letter! You've certainly moved on to more mature concerns with this story- I love the way everyone is growing up. I'll be interested to see how Severus handles his mother's health issues and how the interaction between Harry and Ginny progresses. Excellent stuff!
Title: Chapter 4: Only Levi to Keep Me Company 15 Apr 2009 12:44 am
Reviewer: Blackthorne (Signed) [Report This]
    It is good that you are doing something with Dudley. This was one of the unsatisfying loose ends in canon. His letter was appropriately without clear content and intent, though the writing style seemed a bit genteel for Dudley. The comparison of Dudley with James and Sirius is well-taken. It remains to be seen whether he is maturing out of his bullying as the other two eventually did (more or less). More importantly, it shows the difficulty in being objective when analyzing the behavior of those we care about, or those we hate. (Now you have me wondering what Dudley's worst memory is.)

    I have commented about the situation with Eileen before. It will be interesting to see the resolution, if that indeed is ahead. The exchange with Severus and Dumbledore toward the end is exceptionally good. Severus sounds very much as he did at the beginning of the original LC. His outlook and behavior may have evolved considerably during the timeline of the stories, but clearly some things will always have the ability to get the better of him. (Just as it should be.)

    Author's Response:

    We shall explore Dudley's encounter with the Dementors further along in the story. 

    It is intereesting that you say Severus sounds like original LC, because that's exactly where my mind was as I wrote the end of this chapter.  I agree with you; no matter how much a person grows, they will always have traits that will stay with them.  And where Severus' parents are concerned--and his privacy--is indeed a sore spot. Thanks for reviewing.

Title: Chapter 4: Only Levi to Keep Me Company 15 Apr 2009 12:30 am
Reviewer: Cass (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter. It seems as if you've started developing the plot a bit more.

    On a side note -- is there any chance that we'll see Harry and/or his father stand up to the Weasley family in the next chapter?

    Author's Response:

    The Weasleys won't make an appearance next chapter, but soon...  Glad you enjoyed. :o)

Title: Chapter 4: Only Levi to Keep Me Company 15 Apr 2009 12:00 am
Reviewer: Tara12 (Signed) [Report This]
    amazing as always. i'm guessing figgs told dumbledore about dudley?

    Author's Response:

    Ten points!  :o)

Title: Chapter 4: Only Levi to Keep Me Company 14 Apr 2009 11:25 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    OOh, is Eileen dying from the curse that Severus put on her? Or is it something else?

    Oh, and how did Dumbledore know about Dudley's letter? I swear that man knows everything. I'm so glad that Hedwig and Levi get along.

    Oh you are so bad with cliffies. Please hurry, when you're better though. Hope you're starting to feel better. You write so brilliantly, even when you're sick!
    Great chapter. Get well soon!

    Author's Response: You'll have to wait and see, of course.  I'm all better now, so no worries there.  Thanks for the review, Dawn.
Title: Chapter 4: Only Levi to Keep Me Company 14 Apr 2009 11:19 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    How does Dumbledore already know about Harry's letter to Dudley? Hmm...very peculiar, that.

    I had forgotten about Eileen, but I suppose that whole situation from the original LC was bound to come back and bite Sev in the butt sooner or later. I don't remember if Sev lied about his mother being alive or simply never brought her up in conversation with Harry. Either way, I imagine Harry is going to be full of questions about this that Sev is not going to want to answer. Poor guy, I think he wanted to keep his vengeance from Harry and won't know how to explain that he's the reason Eileen is now dying. I kind of hope he lies to Harry about it because Harry really doesn't need to know the truth in this situation.

    Then again, perhaps Dumbledore will hint at something and spill the beans... Yikes--I can only imagine how pissed Sev would be if Dumbledore tells Harry something he didn't want him to know.

    So...is Sev about to go down memory lane from all of this? Poor guy, I'm not sure what I'd like to see him do about this situation, but I sure do hope he makes a choice he can live with.

    Lovely chapter!


    Author's Response: In Gift, Harry asked if Severus' parents are alive.  Sev says that Eileen has an incurable wizard's disease.  LOL  Poor Dumbledore's gotten a bad rap, I guess.  I don't think he'd tell Harry anything if he did know.  That would be a bit cruel, even for him.  Glad you enjoyed the chapter.  Oh, and Mrs. Figg still keeps in contact with Dumbledore, so that's a pretty easy explanation for  how he knew about Dudley.  :o)
Title: Chapter 4: Only Levi to Keep Me Company 14 Apr 2009 11:08 pm
Reviewer: jolisgsd (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow! A lot of new issues for our boys to deal with. I can't imagine why Dudley wants to contact Harry. Will Severus relent about his mother? Will Harry want to meet her? Questions and more questions.

    Author's Response: LOL Dudley doesn't seem to know why he wants to contact Harry either.  I'm just going with canon on this one though, since nothing much would have changed for him in the intervening year.  And we saw at this same point in canon (beginning of book 7), Dudley was showing sparks of humanity.  Just wanted to explore that.
Title: Chapter 3: Hermione Doesn't Seem the Sort 11 Apr 2009 10:09 am
Reviewer: Emily (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ok, this chapter simply makes me angry.
    I think maybe its my teenage hormones that are telling me that this should piss me off but whatever.
    If my mom told me I couldn't see my boyfriend,because my brother almost got a girl pregnant i would be soo mad. I think that in some cases it's not a parents job to make our choices for us. They should make sure that we are safe and well informed (like Severus did)and then back off. If Molly wants to have a responsible daughter than she should trust her.Nothing makes me angrier than when my parents don't trust me when I have never done anything to not deserve it. If Ginny's parents try and be to firm with her she is going to rebel. No teenager wants their parents snooping around in their relationships.

    Author's Response: I agree with you, wholeheartedly.  Molly is way off, but we all make mistakes, I suppose.  :o)

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