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Title: Chapter 3: Hermione Doesn't Seem the Sort 10 Apr 2009 1:37 am
Reviewer: Blackthorne (Signed) [Report This]
    The family interactions and reactions in this chapter are unfortunately classic, and you have captured them so credibly. As I suspected (or at least hoped), this has turned out to be much ado about nothing. Hermione is not pregnant, which is completely in-character for her, as is her extreme consternation at the thought that she might be.

    Now we can see ordinarily level-headed parents indulging in panicked overreactions, perhaps simply to assuage their own misplaced guilt that they somehow slighted their children's moral development. The common double standards emerge here as well: what is acceptable for sons vs. daughters, and for "our children" vs. someone else's. Severus' unanswered question hits the nail on the head: "Tell me, Arthur, why did you teach your sons the Contraceptive Charm?" Severus is perfect in this scene, by the way. However angry and even disappointed he may be, he remains the voice of reason, which can in itself be very satisfying.

    Parents so often forget that forbidden fruit can be the most attractive. It would be better to promote healthy relationships than to forbid any at all. Now, they are encouraging subterfuge and making it even less likely that their children will confide in them when they should. At best, the young couples will obey them for now and simply outwait them until they become 18, at which point, the parents may find they have all but burned an irreplaceable bridge.

    I wonder, too, what might evolve between Harry and Hermione. I must say, although the Ron/Hermione relationship is canon, it never made much sense to me. I have no objection to it, but the fanfics in which they marry but eventually part company are often equally believable. Harry and Ginny seem a better pairing, but there are many ways in which these relationships might develop.
Title: Chapter 3: Hermione Doesn't Seem the Sort 10 Apr 2009 12:09 am
Reviewer: andi330 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I think that the Weasleys need to be very careful how they treat Harry and Ginny. Speaking from family experience, if they treat them as if they were untrustworthy due to Ron and Hermione's actions, they are running the risk of driving Harry and Ginny toward the very actions they want them to avoid.

    Caution is good, but teenagers often live up (or down) to expectations. If Molly expects Ginny and Harry to behave a certain way, they might do so. She should know that as a mother.
Title: Chapter 3: Hermione Doesn't Seem the Sort 09 Apr 2009 8:56 pm
Reviewer: Verdad y Vida (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very nice chapter! I'd be inclined to respond in more detail, but I agree so throughly with Kristeh that it seems a little pointless. I especially loved the scenes with Harry and Hermione. I've always been a big fan of Harry/Hermione platonic relationships. The brother and sister thing is so sweet. (I'm very much hoping that's all it is...) Thank you for a great installment! Update soon.
Title: Chapter 3: Hermione Doesn't Seem the Sort 09 Apr 2009 1:03 pm
Reviewer: cathyrf (Signed) [Report This]
    First off, I'm standing in line to smack Molly. She will end up with Ginny involved with someone she likes a whole lot less than Harry.

    Admired Severus' considerable restraint at the Weasleys. He can be cool under fire when need be. Poor Harry though, is getting "punished" by the Weasleys for something he didn't even have a hand in.

    Okay, I must admit I found this quite interesting and wonders if this is going somewhere. Levi didn't like Ron much from what I could see, and he immediately warmed right up to Hermione. How very curious. Comments, OE?
Title: Chapter 3: Hermione Doesn't Seem the Sort 09 Apr 2009 10:04 am
Reviewer: fluff (Signed) [Report This]
    Not been reading much HP recently but this was definately worth returning for.
    And how I wish I could have a Kylaria.
Title: Chapter 3: Hermione Doesn't Seem the Sort 09 Apr 2009 9:05 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Omg. I'm so happy that Hermione isn't pregnant! I just had a feeling that Molly would try to stop Harry and Ginny from seeing each other, and Hermione and Ron as well. No surprise there! EEks, poor poor Harry!

    I don't blame Sev for being angry with Molly for implying that his marriage to Lily was a mistake.

    I absolutely adore Levi! I want him! :)

    Ooh, I'm really loving this story already.
Title: Chapter 3: Hermione Doesn't Seem the Sort 09 Apr 2009 8:26 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Gee, who would guess that parents and older brothers would go insane at the idea of some nasty (formerly beloved) boy touching their daughter/sister. Hmmm, no one I could think of

    (jumping up and down shouting "Me, I thought of it, Me - but no one listens to my worldly 60 + wisdom).

    I don't know how old Molly and Arthur were when they married, but they may be speaking from experience themselves. They could have had an earlier than planned marriage due to a child on the way.

    Everyone needs to cool down.
Title: Chapter 3: Hermione Doesn't Seem the Sort 09 Apr 2009 2:30 am
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay for Harry being able to make Hermione's day a little bit brighter after all of that terrible embarrassment. I imagine the staff is going to react to her in a much different way this coming year, which Hermione will not appreciate.

    Man, that meeting between Harry and the Weasley's was intense. I'm very curious about Arthur's opinion of all this, since he seemed like he wanted to say some things that he didn't get the chance to during the big talk. I want to think that he trusts Harry and wants to tell him, but I'm not really sure. Arthur seems like the kind of guy who would take Harry aside and have a man to man chat with him if he thought things were getting too heated between him and Ginny. I hope we get to hear more from him soon though because I really want to know what he was thinking.

    Mrs. Weasley, on the other hand, really pissed me off. Good grief, she was just so inconsiderate of Lily and Severus; I can't believe how low she stooped, though I suppose I could blame it on the fact that she's stressed out over the whole situation.

    I'm glad Ron trusts Harry when he says he hasn't done anything with Ginny too because things would be pretty bleak for Harry if that wasn't the case. I think the fact that the twins were so humorless showed the tension of the situation very well.

    Anyways, I loved the angst of this chapter, especially when Harry enters the Weasley household and actually starts to feel nervous. There were some delightful awkward moments in there that I really enjoyed as well. Very nice work Tabitha.

Title: Chapter 3: Hermione Doesn't Seem the Sort 09 Apr 2009 1:37 am
Reviewer: jolisgsd (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter. You took me by surprise again -- I didn't think the angst would come from the Weasleys! Their reaction could be expected, of course, but rather unfair to Harry. Do they realize that by basically shutting down the relationship, that Ginny may end up in a relationship with some other boy less "trustworthy" than Harry?

    Good job.
Title: Chapter 3: Hermione Doesn't Seem the Sort 09 Apr 2009 1:07 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I am so relieved that Hermione is not pregnant, so happy for both her and Ron.

    I'm saddened at the Weasleys' response to Harry, but as a parent I can understand. It's big fear for parents, I think, that your child is going to have to deal with an unplanned pregnancy when they are so young.

    Of course there are some cases where young parents have been excellent parents and have been very successful in life...but I don't think anyone would say that it's the ideal situation. Certainly babies bring a lot of joy, but having one before you're ready can really complicate matters. Well, I'm just really glad for Hermione and Ron's sake, and I do understand why the Weasleys are concerned about Harry and Ginny. Though at the same time, I feel so badly for Harry, because he hasn't done anything to deserve their mistrust and it has to hurt, because they're his family too. And I do think threatening Ginny with Beaxbatons is a bit extreme (though I'm so overprotective of my kids, I might well do the same...though I hope I'm never in that situation).

    I have to say that, despite the seriousness of the matter, I had to grin while I was reading your description of the meeting with the Grangers and the Weasleys, with Hermione trying to discreetly tell Ron it's all right, and then everything going to pieces. In real life it wouldn't be funny at all, but since this is fiction and Hermione's not pregnant anyway, it was funny to read.

    I'm happy that Harry was able to go see Hermione, too. And I knew it would be embarrassing for all the professors to know, lol!

    Great chapter and I'm looking forward to the next one already!

    ***Oh, seventeen is the legal age of adulthood in canon because the Trio needed to be able to do magic in DH without anyone being able to trace them through underage magic. At least that's what I've always believed.

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