Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 2: We Have a Charm for That 08 Apr 2009 1:53 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Hey, Cathy,

    I just have to say that I think Ron and Hermione went a little farther than K-I-S-S-I-N-G, lol!

    (Not that a pregnancy scare is a laughing matter, though!)
Title: Chapter 2: We Have a Charm for That 08 Apr 2009 10:39 am
Reviewer: cathyrf (Signed) [Report This]
    The first thing that ran through my mind when I was done reading this was (and yes, be prepared because it is juvenile):

    "Ron and Hermione sitting in a tree...


    You did a great job of portraying Ron's worry and anguish over this however. As I said on the board, I can totally buy this scenario, from them actually having sex to the contraception failures.

    No doubt, this will keep Harry's pants zipped!

    And how much do I absolutely adore little Levi and his protectionism (is that word?) over Harry. You've got me kind of worried however with your chapter end notes:

    "And it is said that when the Leviathan dies, the world dies with him."

    That has an awfully ominous foreshadowing sound to it. (Nobody else mentioned that, did they? Am I the only one wondering about that little tidbit?)

    Waiting on that next chapter, my dear. Waiting, waiting, waiting....
Title: Chapter 2: We Have a Charm for That 06 Apr 2009 2:01 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, my goodness! I hardly know what to say first, lol! You're off to a brilliant start (of course), Tabitha!

    I loved the way Severus confronted Vernon and Petunia in the first chapter. It's long past time someone took them to task. I do hope that at some point Harry and Dudley might have some contact, though, since it seems that Dudders might have made a change for the better.

    I, too, love Levi...what an awesome animal. I think I'm envious of your creativity, Tabitha, did you know that?

    Now for the second chapter...wow! First, Daddy Remus is heartwarming and I loved how Severus was able to advise him. I bet that's not a scene that JKR ever envisioned, lol, but in your universe it absolutely works.

    As for the news about Ron and Hermione...I have to say I'm shocked. Hermione is the last person in the world I'd have expected to have to deal with a pregnancy scare (and I devoutly hope it's just a scare). She's always so careful and prepared for everything ahead of time. I'm so worried for her, poor thing, A baby at this point in her life could really mess things up.

    And Ron, oh I really wouldn't want to be his shoes. I think he's going to have 4 very upset parents to face, his own and the Grangers, even if it is a false alarm. Molly's going to go through the roof. People are going to be able to hear her all over Britain. Hey, there'll be no need for Poppy to speak with Grangers then, lol. I imagine Arthur will be quieter, but very disappointed which can be even worse...though you never know. Arthur seems like the kind of person who is usually so calm and easy-going, but when he does get angry, look out!

    We don't really know enough about the Grangers to know their reactions, but I'm sure they'll be upset, too.

    And all the professors knowing...talk about embarrassing. Though if a little Weasley/Granger kidlet is on the way that might be the least of their worries.

    Now, you absolutely must hurry up with the next chapter and answer the big question, cause I don't think we'll survive much longer without knowing!
Title: Chapter 2: We Have a Charm for That 05 Apr 2009 11:16 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

    And now the entire staff knows. Oh dear, Facing Voldie will be nothing to facing Mr. Granger.

    Oh dear.

    Author's Response: LOL  I do believe you are first to bring up that little point.  Poor Ron.  :oP
Title: Chapter 2: We Have a Charm for That 04 Apr 2009 4:57 pm
Reviewer: DazzlingD (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I am so glad to see the next installment to this series. Great job!

    Author's Response: Thanks!  :o)
Title: Chapter 2: We Have a Charm for That 04 Apr 2009 4:44 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow, you've continued to amaze me, Tabitha. Each of your stories is so incredibly rich with detail and emotion. Great job!
    Speed of the update was awesome as well.

    Author's Response: Thanks.  With Crucio all done, I can be a bit speedier.  :o)
Title: Chapter 2: We Have a Charm for That 04 Apr 2009 9:30 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Omg! I certainly never expected THAT!!

    Wow! I really hope that Hermione's not pregnant. Oh my, what a lesson for them all.

    Ooh, I want a kylaria! He sounds so adorable.

    What can I say, I loved it. I don't know which chapter I liked better, the one where Sev kicks Vernons butt, and tells Petunia's horse-face off, or this one with all the cute scenes of Levi, and Hermione's possible pregnancy.

    I have a feeling that this is going to be a story filled with one action-packed, powerful emotion-filled chapter, after another.

    Great start Tabitha. Ooh, please post the next chappie soon. I gotta know if Hermione and Ron are going to be parents. Oh, I really hope that this was just a lesson, and that she's not prego. Ooh, it would really turn their lives updside down to have a baby at sixteen! Or are Ron and Hermione seventeen yet? Are they older than Harry?

    Author's Response: If you go by canon dates, yeah they are 17.  Still, pretty young though.  LOL  And yes, Harry's little dragon is quite adorable.  Glad you liked it.  And thanks for the review. 
Title: Chapter 2: We Have a Charm for That 04 Apr 2009 1:37 am
Reviewer: lilylove (Anonymous) [Report This]
    lols. poor ron that's something that could only happen to him, the great hunky dolt.

    Author's Response:

    LOL  Well, that's a great description for Ron.  Poor guy, indeed... 

Title: Chapter 2: We Have a Charm for That 04 Apr 2009 1:04 am
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    What an interesting twist Tabitha... I'm very interested to see what happens with this. I was shocked when Ron admitted it and even more shocked when read that the entire staff had heard it, lol. That's pretty ironic, but I'm worried about Ron. I hope this is a just a scare for them because he is clearly not ready for this responsibility and I doubt that Hermione is either, though I feel certain she would rise to the occasion. Perhaps Harry and Ginny will take a vow of abstinence after this because I'm pretty sure they aren't going to want to go through the same thing.

    On a lighter note, I love what you're doing with the little dragon. When he roared at Ron for hitting Harry, for whatever reason I pictured him roaring almost as loudly as a real dragon, since he's so protective and all. I also loved how he was circling Ron's head like a vulture.

    I'd also like to mention that before we found out about Ron's predicament, I got really excited about how many baby scenes are probably going to occur in this series. It was cute to see Sev instructing Remus on how to deal with young Sirius. I look forward to more of these cutsie scenes :D.

    It was a pleasant surprise to see that you had updated so soon. I can't wait to read more.


    Author's Response:

    LOL  A vow of abstinence would certainly please Severus. 

    I am quite found of Harry's little dragon too.  He's quite the protective little bugger.  And that, combined with empathic abilities, makes for a great companion.  :o) 

    Yep, lots of baby scenes.  Harry is already quite taken with his little godson.  :o)

    Thanks for the review, PG.  Glad you enjoyed the chapter.

Title: Chapter 2: We Have a Charm for That 04 Apr 2009 12:48 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, poor Ron. And poor Hermione, of course. I feel for them both but I have to admit, I feel worse for Ron at this time because Hermione is shutting him out. He must not only be panicking about the possibility of being a father, but also being upset because he might think that Hermione has ditched him entirely.

    I would think that Hermione being so ultra careful and all knowing would have taken the added precaution of making Ron use the tried and (usually) true Muggle method of contraception...the good ol' condom. That, combined with the charm probably would have worked a charm.

    I imagine Ron and Hermione's dilemma will turn Harry off having sex any time in the next 100 years. So, I imagine that we will not see Harry and Ginny's relationship progressing to that stage. Severus will be relieved, and happy.

    Ginny will probably be freaked also, if indeed, Hermione did tell her.

    And I don't think Poppy should stick her nose in either. She wasn't being consulted, she was eavesdropping. Hardly ethical. The situation has nothing to do with her. I am surprised DD did not tell her to keep her nose out for the time being. I can't see that it is going to improve matters if Ron is murdered by Molly for having tha audacity to have sex with his girlfriend, even if she is not pregnant.

    Oh, and BTW...Levi is a wonderful name for the new addition to the Snape household.


    Author's Response:

    LOL  Not sure DD can control whom Poppy talks to.  I guess I have to disagree you and Blackthorne on this one.  The adults in childrens' lives have a responsibilty to them.  And if indeed, Hermione is pregnant, what if she didn't tell her parents, even then?  It's been known to happen in the Muggle world.  And certainly, Poppy would be tactful about it.  And I woudn't be surprised if she went there and spoke with Hermione herself first.  I would be more disappointed if DD just shrugged and went on about his life.  A 17 year old girl lost and alone and pregnant is not something these wonderful adults would condone.  Anyways, we'll see if Poppy even has a chance to do anything at all.

    And yes, no matter wha the result, things would have to change.  Harry's already subdued about things with Ginny--can't imagine he'd be too excited to have sex with her now. 

    As for Hermione not using a Muggle protection, it's not as if she and Ron have been having fun together for years.  Where would she have gotten them?  And too, I think most people aren't quite as logical when it comes to carnal pleasures...

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