Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 2: We Have a Charm for That 04 Apr 2009 12:14 am
Reviewer: Blackthorne (Signed) [Report This]
    This chapter started out a bit oddly. The dialogue was hard to follow, and having Severus spout off baby advice like Dr Spock was a bit jarring, though I know you have given him the necessary background in the LC universe. Having Harry's godson be named Sirius is unsettling as well. Sirius is such a strong presence in this story, and in the lives of its characters; I would have given a new, unique person a name with far less baggage, but I suspect this is simply personal preference. Levi's name, however, is perfect. In addition to the Biblical reference you cite, the name resembles words like "levitate" and "levity", based upon a root meaning "lightness".

    The bulk of the chapter, describing Ron and Harry's conversation is quite well-done and very believable. I had wondered if something like this might be the problem, but discounted it given Hermione's breadth of knowledge, customary thoroughness, and tendency to be prepared. If she can figure out how to brew polyjuice potion in second year, surely she can prevent unintentional conception. Having the teachers overhear the conversation comes across as a bit contrived, to force adult involvement, but it is not unrealistic. Even after all the secrets they have managed to keep from teachers, the ministry, and Voldemort himself, Ron and Harry were clearly not worrying here about anything outside the scope of their discussion. Still, I would have liked to see how they all handled the situation on their own (including the decision of when and how to confide in adults). But real life often does not go as we would wish.

    Author's Response:

    Well, you'll have to wait until next chapter to see whether or not adults get involved.  I don't think Poppy was about to go Apparate to Hermione's house in the next five minutes.  Though since this story is from Harry's perspective, you won't get to see too much of what goes down anyway. And yes, Severus knows quite well how to care for a new baby.  I am surprised you found that jarring, seeing as this Seveus is very different from canon Snape. Glad you liked Levi's name. 

Title: Chapter 2: We Have a Charm for That 03 Apr 2009 11:40 pm
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow! I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. Should be interesting . . .

    Author's Response: I hope it shall be...
Title: Chapter 1: A Kylaria All My Own 02 Apr 2009 10:16 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Why do you have to write so well? Now, I must hunt down your third story and read every last smidge of it very happily.
    Severus' reaction to the Dursleys was simply the very best chocolate cake and the kylaria is fudgy chocolate icing!
Title: Chapter 1: A Kylaria All My Own 02 Apr 2009 9:58 pm
Reviewer: Blackthorne (Signed) [Report This]
    '“Harry would rather not be the subject of your squabbling,” Harry interjected wearily . . .' I wondered how long Harry would put up with being discussed as if he were not present. But why is Harry on the train at all, since he is not going back to Privet Drive -- just to spend time with his friends? I was surprised at the unease concerning Ron and Hermione, and did not remember it from the end of Gift. Is it a new development? In any case, both are reacting in character. I, too, am assuming we have not seen the last of the Dursleys. The confrontation in the parking lot was especially well-written, and made Severus' effort to restrain himself quite palpable.

    I enjoyed Daniel and his shop as well. I suspected the location was due to safety considerations, and perhaps even security/privacy. He likely has customers who might not want their research interests or potion needs to become common knowledge. The notion of Severus exploding cauldrons, and his reaction as it is mentioned to Harry, are both quite appropriate. The only way not to have mishaps in the lab is not to do anything. Your descriptions, as always, are both creative and realistic, from Severus' purchases to the hag at the corner.

    The kylaria is reminiscent of Anne McCaffrey's fire lizards. How long-lived are they? What are the implications for Harry's career after school? Will his new familiar be content if he has long absences for training or work? Will he be able to take him along? Potentially not the most convenient arrangement. Then again, it might tip Harry over the edge into an eventual partnership with Severus and Daniel. I often wondered how students pursue careers upon graduating from Hogwarts; JKR said very little about this.
Title: Chapter 1: A Kylaria All My Own 02 Apr 2009 6:08 pm
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Forgot to rate it, so had to write this.


    Author's Response: Thanks!
Title: Chapter 1: A Kylaria All My Own 02 Apr 2009 6:06 pm
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Now this is the exceptional standard I am used to! I didn't say it in my review of that other piece of work you so cleverly foisted upon us, but I DID think your writing skills had kind of taken a break. I wouldn't say that in a review, Tab, I don't send flames. But I did think the whole was a dream...a very weird dream admittedly, but a dream, none the less.

    But the real deal is so fantastic, and you are forgiven for turning me into a blibbering humdinger!

    I loved this from beginning to end. What is up with Ron and Hermione? Is it serious. Poor Ron is very out of sorts and sad, but Hermione seems her usual, brisk self. Nothing seems to phase her, but perhaps she is just a much better actor than Ron. I am so glad that Harry and Ginny are so settled and so happy in their knowledge of each others feelings.

    Severus was wonderful with Vernon. Pity they were in such a public place, I would have liked to see him do more. To Petunia too, whom I think is even more culpable because Harry is actually her blood relative. Dispicable woman! I wonder if that unfulfilled wave will be addressed at a future time.

    I loved that Sev took longer than necessary to Apparate with Harry in his arms. And I loved the mental image of Sev standing on the station, waiting with Molly and Arthur. So very paternal.

    I am so glad that Sev likes Molly and Arthur. Nice to see the Grangers mentioned too.

    Daniel is lovely...I do wonder why his shop is in Knockturn Alley. He doesn't seem to be a dark wizard. And its not illegal to sell potions ingredients, even rare ones, I am sure.

    And the Kylaria sounds beautiful...very sweet for a dragon. I love that he took to Harry immediately. Wonder what Harry will call him...perhaps Kyle. LOL

    Is the Kylaria your won invention or is he in 'Fabulous Beasts and Where to Find Them'? I can't be bothered to go and check it out.

    Anyway...thanks for this wonderful treat. This story is going to be a wonderful addition to your wonderful universe, Tab...it already is.


    Author's Response:

    Awww, you're so sweet, Les. :o)  I am actually really relieved that you that my spoof chapter was not up to standard.  I was a little taken aback that you and PG didn't seem phased by that crap.  LOL  I feel better now.  :oP 

    Ron and Hermione are up next.  And yes, I do see Hermione as really being able to keep it together, especially in public.  She wouldn't want the world to know her problems, whereas I think Ron is less able to keep a stiff upper lip--though I see his emotions coming out more with anger than tears when he is upset.  I just love Ginny and Harry so much; they have quite a journey to take in this story. 

    Severus wanted so badly to hurt Vernon, but no matter how much he did, he never would.  Harry would never approve and so Severus restrains himself. And yes, I agree.  Petunia is worse (since I don't really care too much for very abuse Vernon...), since Harry is her blood nephew.  Very dispicable.  But at least Sev left her feeling like she wasn't loved by her parents.  Ouch. 

    I'm so glad you picked up on Severus' holding Harry for a little extra time--*feels all mushy inside*

    I was surprised no one mentioned that Daniel's shop was in Knockturn.  It's mainly because he has ingredients that are very, very dangerous--and as will come out later, he had an incident when he had his shop in Diagon.  LOL  I'm glad you liked him; he will feature in the story a lot more.

    The kylaria is not in JKRs Beasts book; he's my own.  And his name will be up next chapter--it's not Kyle (LOL) but it does have a lot of meaning. 

    I'm so glad you liked it, Les!  :o)

Title: Chapter 1: A Kylaria All My Own 02 Apr 2009 5:33 pm
Reviewer: Chasergirl (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love this series
    my favorite fan fiction I've ever read
    I remember being hesitant about reading the first LC because it didn't seem like my kind of story
    I'm not usually one to enjoy stories that Severus is Harry's father.
    Ever chapter leaves me wanting more
    Love this first chapter
    can't wait to continue reading this
    lots of love
    :) Chasergirl

    Author's Response: Wow, thanks Chasergirl!  I love your nick, by the way.  I'm so glad you've enjoyed the series, and this chapter as well.  I'm glad you took a chance on it. Thanks so much for your kind words.  They are very much appreciated.  :o)
Title: Chapter 1: A Kylaria All My Own 02 Apr 2009 1:45 am
Reviewer: Leilia Snape (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my word!!
    I love it!

    Great first chapter. I can't wait to see what is going to happen next in Harry and Severus's lives.

    What's the matter with Ron and Hermione? I hope that Harry and Ginny are able to talk some sense into those two. ;-}

    I liked the part with Severus and the Dursleys. You know that you nearly gave me a heart attack when Vernon came up on Harry. I thought that he had to be a dementor for a few minutes.
    Great job writing the confrontation between Sev, Vernon, and Petunia by the way. ;-}

    I love the little dragon. I know that Harry will always have Hedwig, but I think that he needs some type of pet that can keep him company all the time, even when Hedwig is doing mail runs.
    I loved the line from Harry to the kylaria, "I’m not dinner". I have caught myself saying that to my leopard gecko, who I would imagine is about the same size. "Just don't chew on me..." ;-}
    What would the kylaria eat? chrickets or fish or vegatables?
    I love the idea of the little dragons and now I wish that I could have one. ;-}
    One other really quick question. Can he fly? It would be great if he could and then Harry could go flying with him... Just a thought. ;-}

    Great job, can't wait to read more.


    Author's Response:

    Yep, our little kylaria friend can fly--he shall next chapter.  :o)  And he and Harry will have lots of fun together. Yeah, I wish I had too.  I'm quite fond of this little guy already.  Oh, and he eats fruits and veggies, our little Kylaria (mostly, though he does enjoy an occasional small insect for a treat). 

    LOL  Vernon was pretty scary, I admit.  I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway, despite the fear.   :o)  And more Ron and Hermione coming up next.  Thanks so much for such a nice review.  Glad you're excited for the story. 

Title: Chapter 1: A Kylaria All My Own 02 Apr 2009 1:06 am
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Ah, this was more what I had in mind, lol. I really enjoyed this new chapter, especially the scene with the Dursleys. The moment Harry was thinking about how relieved he was that he wouldn't have to meet them this year was the moment I realized you had that exact intention. It was good though, as they definitely would have ignored the "freakish owl" hanging around their house, lol. They certainly had no way of knowing that Harry had found his father either.

    I really like that Harry was able to calm his dad in that situation when Mr. Weasley could not. I imagine very few people other than Harry and Lily have ever had that power over Sev: the ability to make him think straight while angry. It's nice to know that Sev would get himself under control for Harry's sake.

    A new pet too? That is very interesting. I kind of picture it flittering around the house and annoying the occupants, lol. I can't wait to see who it bites first!


    Author's Response: LOL  Glad you got to read at least one chapter that you didn't have to stretch to be nice about.  :oP  The Dursley scene was both fun and painful to write.  But at least, Severus got a few potshots in and hey! he got to strangle Venon a bit.  That must have been fun.  hee hee  I agree that Harry is probably the only one, besides Lily that can reach Severus that way.  That kid's got a special hold on his dad.  And I just love writing about it.  LOL  This new pet will certainly have some fun.  He'll be a big part of the story.  I'm glad you're enjoying it so far.  Thanks for letting me know.  :o)
Title: Chapter 1: A Kylaria All My Own 01 Apr 2009 11:13 pm
Reviewer: delacre (Signed) [Report This]
    Well I'm thrilled that you've begun this new chapter in the lives of our favourite wizard boys (I mean Severus and Harry, of course). I have to say, with the universe you've created with Lily's Charm, I am very excited about all the possibilities that are available for the future in this story. Great way to start what will, I have no doubt, be another Sevitus classic. You are very good at what you do and we are very lucky that you share it with us!!

    Author's Response: Wow.  Thank you for such nice compliments.  I'm glad you enjoyed the first chapter.  :o)

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