Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 13: When Harry Met Ginny 22 Sep 2009 5:40 pm
Reviewer: hp4ever (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Well I definitely think Harry is dreaming here because I can't imagine Ginny arriving by Floo into Snape's quarters without him knowing - no matter that he is supposedly sleeping. Ginny was on Harry's conscience before falling asleep and so I'm sure he would love for everything to work out as tidily between them - hence that whole dream scenario. Poor Harry - it's just one thing after another with him.

    The apology scene between Harry, Ron and George was very good - they were all so awkward albeit for different reasons.

    Looking forward to the next chapter.
Title: Chapter 13: When Harry Met Ginny 22 Sep 2009 3:38 pm
Reviewer: cathyrf (Signed) [Report This]
    So, at first I figured Harry was dreaming this (and really, can I be certain he's not at the moment?) Hmm...it certainly was a very realistic dialogue between them.

    If she IS indeed in Harry's bedroom...in her PJ's...and this is the middle of the night...oh she's going to be in some BIG trouble with her parents.

    (Wait...why WOULD she be wearing a bra with her pajamas? Now I'm back to thinking he's dreaming.)

    Oh, you are evil OE. Evil, evil, evil....;)
Title: Chapter 13: When Harry Met Ginny 22 Sep 2009 3:28 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Okay, so if that was all really a dream, I'm going to poke you really hard!!!!

    Squeeee!!!!! Ooh, tell me it was real? But did Ginny come in the morning? I'm a little confused!

    I'm sure all the Harry and Hermione lovers are going to be disappointed if this was real, but I'm dancing on the desk at work!!!!! :)

    Long live Ginny and Harry!! (Oops, better duck, the tomatoes are coming my way from all the H&H shippers out there!)

    Best chappie yet!!!! Oh, it is so true that the best part of having an arguement, is making up afterwards. I'm sure that that is Harry's philosophy now!!

    Oh...but I hope that they are not making any redheaded babies. Sev'll kill him!! :)
Title: Chapter 13: When Harry Met Ginny 22 Sep 2009 3:08 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I'm so glad that Harry and Ginny have made up! And that Ginny knows about Hermione and the kiss, and isn't angry...though I have to agree that at that point, she wouldn't have a right to be as she is the one who cooled things off.

    I'm glad too, that Ron and George came to apologize, but I wonder if Ron will be as understanding about the situation as Ginny was...

    And you wrote the scene between Harry, Ron, and George very well, I could tell how awkward it was for all of them, though for different reasons.

    And now I just have to wonder how far Harry and Ginny are going to go, and if Severus is still sleeping.

    Looking forward to the next chapter!
Title: Chapter 12: A Kiss is Just a Dagger in Disguise 20 Sep 2009 9:27 pm
Reviewer: Chasergirl (Signed) [Report This]
    First off, thanks for updating so quicklyy!It was a nice surprise to check the site and see this story :)
    I wished with all my heart that nothing would happen between Hermione and Harry.
    I'm seriously hoping that this doesn't effect Ron and Harry's already battered friendship..or Harry and Hermiones. I'm also hoping that this will not become anything.There is nothing I hate more than Hermione and Harry as a couple. As for Ginny, she better have one heck of an apology ready, I do want them back together though :)The little parts with severus were super cute as alwayss
    Keep up the awesome workk
Title: Chapter 12: A Kiss is Just a Dagger in Disguise 19 Sep 2009 9:21 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I knew it!!! I had a really strong feeling that Hermione and Harry were going to kiss in this chapter. I don't know why.

    Ooh, does Harry feel the same way though? The plot thickens.

    I love how Severus, is becoming more like his old self now that he's more secure in his relationship with Harry. He's not as hesitant to be stern. I love it. He's the perfect mixture of doting father, mother hen, and strong father figure. Great job as usual Tabitha.

    I cannot wait to see Harry's face when he sees Ron at his house!! I love it!
Title: Chapter 12: A Kiss is Just a Dagger in Disguise 19 Sep 2009 12:09 am
Reviewer: EllaEleniel (Signed) [Report This]
    Uh oh, leading up to the kiss I knew either that was going to happen or Ron and George would come interrupt them while he had his arm around her. Good job keeping the suspense up from the time the Weasleys arrived to the end of the chapter.

    Next chapter should be super interesting. I wonder if Ron and George saw what happened. I love how you write the teenage relationships as so natural, but not annoying. I don't even mind Ginny nearly as much as I usually do in fics.

    I hope Harry didn't mess things up too much between Hermione and himself. She's been like his sole friend his age this summer, and I'd hate for him to lose that. I'll be anxiously awaiting the next chapter and you fest fic.
Title: Chapter 12: A Kiss is Just a Dagger in Disguise 19 Sep 2009 12:01 am
Reviewer: hp4ever (Anonymous) [Report This]
    When I mentioned in my last review that Hermione and Harry were better off without Ron and Ginny, I certainly didn't mean they were better off being together lol. Hermione seems to be a basket case at the moment - definitely not the smart and self-reliant Hermione I remember from canon or previous installments of this LC world. One minute she's telling Harry how much she misses Ron and the next minute kissing Harry. Her kissing Harry is like incest ewwww - they are so like brother and sister IMO that this last scene just made me cringe.

    I have a feeling that Ron of course saw the kiss which will lead to more drama between the trio blah, blah, blah :-) I think I realized this might happen as soon as Ron mentioned waiting outside for Harry. And now not only will Hermione have ruined Harry and Ginny's relationship (she did start the whole problems to begin with honestly) but now may ruin any chance of reconciliation between Harry and Ron. Way to go Hermione :-(

    I do like Margaret - do I see a future romance with Severus??? They seem like they would make a perfect pair.

    Poor Remus with his Tonks' job issues. Oh well they can all cry on each others shoulders as romantic troubles are all around lol. Good chapter - I hope you update again soon.
Title: Chapter 12: A Kiss is Just a Dagger in Disguise 18 Sep 2009 11:49 pm
Reviewer: Victory-Starr (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow... this is getting messier and messier. But, of course, I love it. ;-)

    Though, I think my favorite part was Harry falling asleep at the table. It's just those little moments that I am always fond of. ;-)

    I also liked Harry talking to Severus about Remus. That was cute.

    Thanks for such a fast update! Looking forward to more. :D
Title: Chapter 12: A Kiss is Just a Dagger in Disguise 18 Sep 2009 10:17 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    You always have a way of making things interesting, don't you? Lol. I actually had a feeling that was coming the moment they sat under the tree with the sunset, but I thought something worse would happen, like Ron seeing it (yikes). I suppose that possibility is still there if he was near a castle window, but that's not as likely since he's probably waiting in the dungeons.

    Anyway, I am very curious about what sort of way Harry will receive Ron's apology now that this happened. He might not be in any sort of mindset to forgive and if he tells Ron what happened, the forgiveness might be very short-lived.

    Snape and Margaret, eh? I do think Severus could use a special someone now, since Harry will be leaving to pursue his adult life in a year. In a way, I can't help but wonder if that's why Severus is acting so overprotective now: he missed so much of Harry's childhood and he knows he only has a year left. I feel very sad about that because had Lily not tricked him, he would have had his son the whole time. So, yeah, I definitely would like to see a bit more Margaret and would like to hear a conversation about her between Harry and Snape.

    I was so happy to see that you updated quickly and I'm looking forward to more! Please keep them coming!


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