Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 11: Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream 13 Sep 2009 11:42 am
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter! Glad you finally got on with this! About time.

    Love, Mom

    Author's Response: Thanks Mom!
Title: Chapter 11: Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream 13 Sep 2009 11:33 am
Reviewer: Chasergirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Woaa. So glad this has been updated
    I really loved Severus in this chapterr
    Ughh your killing me with this though
    Just when I thought he was going to march in there and make up with Ginny, he runs away..What a tease!

    Brilliant as usual worth the wait for suree

    Stoked on the next chapter
    Great work

    Author's Response: LOL  Harry is conflicted.  I can't help it!  :oP Glad you enjoyed it though.  And yes, Severus was really fun this chapter to write.  :o)
Title: Chapter 11: Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream 13 Sep 2009 9:19 am
Reviewer: Victory-Starr (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm so glad you updated! Awesome chapter. As usual, the intractionn between Harry and Severus was wonderful. I love Severus for not allowing Harry to lay about in his pajamas all day. :D

    Your Hermione is really great, too. She doesn't bug me, which is a rare thing when I read fanfiction. The girl, in your story, is actually likable. ;-)

    Anyhow, again, really great chapter. Keep up the good work!

    Author's Response: Thank you very much.  Severus is not about to let Harry spiral into a depression, that's for sure.  :o)  I'm glad you liked Hermione. I developed quite the ssoft spot for her lately.  And I think she just might have grown up a bit during this little experience.  :o)
Title: Chapter 11: Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream 13 Sep 2009 8:41 am
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    Harry's melancholy at the start was very sad ...he definately seems to be getting worse rather than better. Not surprised. I loved Severus' 'shall I rephrase that?' and Harry's response to his father's words...very funny. It was lovely that they asked Remus to go with them to lunch.

    I am so glad that Harry gave Fred what for in front of the shop; he needed to get all of that off his chest, although he still internalised some of it. he should have said how angry he was at how the Weasley family, who supposedly had cared for him, could just throw him over like that. But I am sure Fred told the family about the confrontation, and none of them are so sorry that they have come around to speak to Harry themselves.

    I was so disappointed when it was Hermione who arrived through the Floo. I was so hoping it would be Ginny. And Harry seems to have worked off his anger, because part of that anger was directed at Hermione, and he was his usual self with her. He's more forgiving than I am. She started the whole mess after all. Well, I think she did anyway, blaming Ron for the whole thing when she was just as much at fault as he was. And she was the one to shut Ron out.

    Been there with this argument so I will shut up now.

    Feels like Ginny is further away than ever. Harry must feel that way too. And his thoughts of íf she is so upset, why doesn't she contact me', are valid, I think.

    Great chapter Tab and much anticipated, but I am balanced more precariously on tenterhooks now than I was before. *sigh*


    Author's Response: Yes, Harry was angry with Hermione but only in a round about way.  She didn't actually do anythinng 'to' Harry like the others did.   What passed between Hermione and Ron isn't really Harry's busines.  And he's hurting for a friend right now.  And so is she so it's easy for them to fall natural into the way they've always been.  Well, Ginny isn't contacted for the same reason Harry isn't contacting her.  At least partly.  She's got to realize by now how miserable she is and that she was an idiot.  We'll see which one will come around first.  LOL  You might be on tenterhooks for awhile though.  :oP  Glad you enjoyed it anyway.
Title: Chapter 11: Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream 13 Sep 2009 3:53 am
Reviewer: EllaEleniel (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter. Harry seems so normal, and it's refreshing. He's worried over typical teenage melodrama and after all he's been through he deserves a day or two to sulk. ;)

    I'm happy to see Hermione come to cheer Harry up. He needed to be around someone his own age after being around adults constantly.

    I love that song, too. I used to listen to it all the time.

    I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I'm guessing Harry will kiss Ginny, and they'll break up completely. Maybe that's just my own wishful dreams. ;)

    Author's Response: Thanks!  Glad you enjoyed it so much.  LOL Not a Harry/Ginny fan, eh?  :oP 
Title: Chapter 11: Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream 13 Sep 2009 1:36 am
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter! I loved that tense talk between Fred and Harry. You said his eyes flashed with something before he started to apologize, which makes me wonder if he's just doing it for Ginny's sake or if he really does trust Harry and regrets the way he treated him. It was ridiculous that he tried to apologize for Ron though; Ron's a big boy and Harry's right that Ron needs to do that for himself.

    Severus was so concerned in this chapter--what a great dad. I imagine seeing Harry fly like that really scared him. I imagine he sat there with his wand at the ready the whole time.

    Yay for Harry finding a friend in Hermione (and a big lol about her talking Potions with Snape). Hopefully her presence won't dissuade Harry from getting Ginny back though. I'd like to think he's a little closer to that point...maybe?

    Anyways, I loved it! I hope the next chapter comes around soon!


    Author's Response:

    Yep, Ron does need to do that for himself; not sure he really knows how though.  LOL And yes, Severus definitely had his wand ready as he sat there, seething at Harry for being so reckless. :oP  Harry definitely wants Ginny back.  But the question is: will he be brave enough to throw caution to the wind and do it? We shall see...

Title: Chapter 11: Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream 13 Sep 2009 1:27 am
Reviewer: hp4ever (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I was so happy that Harry finally stood up for himself and didn't accept Fred's apology. I hated the way all the Weasleys treated Harry in regards to his and Ginny's relationship so I'm glad he pretty much told them to go to hell - way to go Harry.

    I'm glad Hermione stopped by to help Harry forget about his Ginny misery. IMO they both would be happier and better off without either Ginny or Ron at this point.

    Severus is too cute when he is being overprotective - now there is something I never thought I would say about Snape :-) I love how strong his and Harry's bond has become.

    Also, funny how I can't seem to get the image of Remus in his running shorts and tee shirt out of my head - it was so unexpected and bizarre - and I don't know why lol.

    Author's Response: Harry was definitely angry at the Weasleys so forgiving Fred was not gonna happen.  LOL  Another H/G hater, eh?  Guess I'm not really helping with this particular story line.  :oP  I'm glad you liked Severus; he was very fun to write this chapter.  haha about Remus in his shorts.  Harry can't get it out of his head either.  Thanks for reviewing.
Title: Chapter 11: Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream 13 Sep 2009 1:13 am
Reviewer: oodlesofmzness (Signed) [Report This]
    Ah! Thank you thank you thank you thank you! It was totally, completely, and utterly worth the wait!

    I was surprised that Harry didn't accept Fred's apology, its unlike him to hold a grudge...I kinda like it

    Author's Response: LOL Harry didn't really mean to hold a grudge; just sort of lost his temper there.  LOL  With Ginny on his mind like that, he's a bit unstable.  And thanks again for guilting me into writing this.  It was a big help. :oP
Title: Chapter 11: Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream 13 Sep 2009 12:40 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh it was so worth the wait. Now I want more, and that title is really teasing us!

    I was certain that Harry was going to accept Fred's apology and let bygones be bygones, but I'm also impressed that he stuck to his guns after the horrible way that he was treated.

    Severus is such a mother hen. Too cute. I love his concern over Harry.

    Great chappie Tabitha, and I'm so so anxious for the next one, which I really hope will be soon!! :).

    Author's Response: Thanks Dawn!  I'm glad you liked it.  I'll try not to take forever with the next chapter.  The end of it is written already.  LOL
Title: Chapter 10: August Always Comes After July 08 Sep 2009 5:53 pm
Reviewer: oodlesofmzness (Signed) [Report This]
    I've been so desperate for LC I've reread the entire series since the last posting of Legacy. I hope you're pleased that you've a got quite a following of LC junkies

    Author's Response:

    LOL  I am rather pleased to hear that actually.  :oP  I am sorry I am slow as molasses.  I am working along on it though; just very slowly as I've started a new story and it's taking all of my attention.  I'll get cracking though... I don't want too many irritated junkies. 



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