Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 9: The Lady Is a Tramp... Wait, what? 23 Jun 2009 8:19 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Was there some hidden message in Severus wanting Harry to stay and help him with inventory instead of going to practice with the Canons? Was it sort of a punishment for his attitude the day before, or was it just that Severus knew Harry didn't really feel up to going. I think I missed something there, or maybe I'm a little slow!

    Ooh, I can't wait to see Ginny and Harry "talk". Hee hee !

    You know what. I'm actually liking the idea of Harry becoming a Quidditch player!

    Oh, I know I'm greedy, but the more you give me the more I want. Please update again quickly. I can't help but want my fix of LC!!!

    Bril as usual Tabitha!! :)
Title: Chapter 9: The Lady Is a Tramp... Wait, what? 23 Jun 2009 8:01 pm
Reviewer: Ellie K (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I found these lines to be both sad and a bit funny too:

    "He saw Remus exchange glances with his father, but found it difficult to resent. He’d be worried about himself too, if he’d had the energy for it."

    And as for these lines...

    "And thanks to all of you are still reading. Hopefully, I can keep up my quick pace. :o)"

    ... I also really hope you will update again soon :)

    Thank you for this chapter. Even though Harry is still troubled and a bit depressed, it was good to have a chapter without a lot of emotional drama and with the nice feeling of Harry and Severus being on good terms again (it was like taking a nice calming breath). Even when the Prophet article appeared at the end I found it to be more humorous than truly angsty (Ginny the vixen!), and I look forward to seeing what Harry will do next chapter. Maybe his father will talk some sense into him and tell him to cool down a little before rushing off to see Ginny.

    I also think it's ironic that, in spite of the fact that Ginny and Harry's relationship is strained right now in part because of a worry about furthering intimacies, Ginny is now being portrayed publicly as someone who has no problem freely indulging in said intimacies. I think Harry should be more concerned with how Ginny's now handling this slur against her reputation, than her hypothetical future with some other guy. Sensitivity to her feelings would be really important now, Harry.

    Anyway, one last thing - the image of Dumbledore up in his balcony with his nose pointedly buried in a book was really delightful (the sly old eavesdropper!)
Title: Chapter 8: A Dementor Can Only Take Your Soul 23 Jun 2009 11:07 am
Reviewer: Blackthorne (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you for such a well-written continuation of the story. The dialogue and reactions are very realistic. Well worth the wait. So Severus did not want Harry to know about his curse on Eileen because he feared Harry would think ill of him? I am looking forward to the discussion between Severus and the Weasleys. He has the perfect excuse to descend upon them without delay: retrieving Harry's robes. Whether Harry and Ginny continue to see each other, or agree on taking some time apart, it should be a rational decision made by them, considering the advice of their elders, perhaps, but forcing teenagers one way or the other is just as likely to backfire. The Weasleys have been emotionally overreacting from the start, and perhaps even (as Severus once did) not seeing Harry for what he really is.

    About Sminge: where was he when Severus and Harry visited the manor earlier? And why is Severus so concerned that the manor be kept in good repair? Does he have other remaining family who would expect it of him? Does he think he might want the property for something in future? Is he somehow magically bound to do this as the head of the family now? Just curious.
Title: Chapter 8: A Dementor Can Only Take Your Soul 22 Jun 2009 7:07 am
Reviewer: delacre (Signed) [Report This]
    It is truly a mark of how far they've come that their discord didn't escalate or become prolonged. A truly masterful handling of these two characters in what is my absolutely fav category- Severitus. Thank God you've created this third book. It would have been a real shame if I didn't have a Lily's Charm story to look forward to this year. Keep up the good work!

    Author's Response: Thanks delacre!  I'm so happy you're enjoying the third installment so well.  And yep, it would have been a shame for me as well.  I am having a lot of fun with these characters, this go-round in particular.  Thanks so much for the great review!  :o)
Title: Chapter 8: A Dementor Can Only Take Your Soul 21 Jun 2009 9:54 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I can't say anymore than "Yaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh"! How superb. I'm so excited I can't form coherent thoughts about this wonderful chapter or the next to soon come.

    Author's Response: Thanks!  LOL  I love an inchoherant reviewer.  :oP
Title: Chapter 8: A Dementor Can Only Take Your Soul 21 Jun 2009 12:10 am
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    Good chapter.

    Author's Response: Thanks!
Title: Chapter 8: A Dementor Can Only Take Your Soul 20 Jun 2009 11:39 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    U. R. A. Mazing. Lol, I'm so glad I got to read the chapter tonight! I guess there aren't too many things that can keep this father and son duo apart. I'm really glad things with Harry and Sev didn't regress and that Severus finally told the truth. It was also nice to know that Eileen was already dying, as that sort of redeems Severus, in a way, as well as him removing the curse during her last days.

    I'm very curious about what Sev is going to say to the Weasley's--yikes. Also, I wonder how long it will take Ron to try and make up with Harry. Will things be normal between him and Ron, even though Ginny broke up with Harry? I'm glad you're updating soon, even if I don't get to read it until the end of the week! Nice work!


    Author's Response: Thanks PG!  I was excited to have it done so you could read it.  Great motivator!  :oD  I'm glad you enjoyed.  And I'm happy you're looking forward to the next chapter, even if you have to wait to read it.  Have fun this week!
Title: Chapter 8: A Dementor Can Only Take Your Soul 20 Jun 2009 11:15 pm
Reviewer: Never Ender (Signed) [Report This]
    Another spectacular chapter :) I'm really glad that Severus and Harry have finally made up, I could barely stand the tension any longer!
    I can't wait to see what Severus has to say to the Molly and Arthur!

    Author's Response: Thanks!  And thanks so much for the review.  And yeah, the tension was getting pretty unbearable, wasn't it?  LOL  Now, onto to tension between other characters. :oP
Title: Chapter 8: A Dementor Can Only Take Your Soul 20 Jun 2009 10:29 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Awwwwww!!! That was so so sweet, and so perfect. Perfectly perfect and sweet. Okay, so I'm thrilled that Harry and Severus made up.

    Oh dear, Harry called him Sir!! Sir of all things. I'm glad they've made up if the situation had regressed to Harry calling him Sir!!

    I can't wait for the next chapter, which will be up in a few days!!! You are too good to us. (Jumps up and down, clapping hands wildly)

    Author's Response: Harry was in a rather bad state of mind at that particular moment.  LOL  Poonow r kid.  And really, you know I'm just gonna torture him more, right? 
Title: Chapter 8: A Dementor Can Only Take Your Soul 20 Jun 2009 10:25 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    I am glad that they got that out of the way.

    But really, what is the rush between Ginny and Harry. I know that teenagers think the world will end if they can't be together, but Severus must realize how young they are.

    As for Schmingel, after dealing with Keature. there is no way he would be anywhere near my family. Sorry. but he could be carrying out some of "Mistress" orders.

    Who, by the way, was a rotten bi%$# who really needing killing (as I once mentioned)

    Author's Response: Don't worry.  Schminge is bound to Severus, as much as to Eileen and Eileen was on good terms with Severus and didn't even know about Harry before she was cursed.  And since then, Schinge hasn't had much contact with her.  And she was in no condition to give anyone orders (and she couldn't really speak with all the pain and potions in her).  It took her last efforst to spell her last words on the parchment.  And have no fear, Severus wouldn't let Schminge near them if he was  a danger.  Schminge is meant to be symbolic.  No matter how Severus moves on, his family is always a part of him. Even though it's a rather benign piece of that past, it's still there.  Oh, and the thing that Severus has about Ginny and Harry is that he knows that Ginny is to Harry what Lily is to him. Age doesn't make any difference, especially to Severus. He's loved Lily since they were eleven years old.

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