Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 7: Sometimes You Just Need to Clock Someone 29 May 2009 2:28 am
Reviewer: Lily (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very interesting... I'm begining to dislike the weasleys...
Title: Chapter 7: Sometimes You Just Need to Clock Someone 29 May 2009 1:36 am
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Angst, angst, angst, angst...I love it! Well worth the wait, as usual. There was something really ironic about Draco and Auggie finding them out in the forest; especially Auggie, who would have gladly went out with Ginny during your last series. I thought Draco's concern for Harry was genuine though and I hope to see them become better friends soon. Harry's going to need someone, after all, seeing as I don't think he and Ron are going to recover from this one very easily.

    This was my favorite part:

    Without warning, Ginny grabbed Draco’s arm and spun him around. Draco’s wide, silver eyes glinted in the moonlight. Ginny jabbed her wand, which was now lit by a Lumos, close to Draco’s face. “You can just keep your filthy thoughts to yourself, Malfoy, or I’ll hex your mouth closed for you.”

    Lol, it was so unexpected and vivid; I could really picture Ginny doing that and Draco being totally shocked by her sudden motion.

    Then poor Severus; you portrayed how frantic he was very well, especially with the description of the flames seemingly burning Harry's mind.

    You've got me curious about the scroll now--what could it be? A will? It wasn't mentioned last chapter, was it? I might have to go and review...

    I think the worst part of this was the emotions Harry felt right before Severus burnt the strap. It was almost like he doubted him for a moment and I think Severus noticed. Could Harry have momentarily thought that Severus would do something to him with the strap? I know that would hurt Sev like nothing else, if Harry were to be afraid of him.

    Hmm...those are just a couple theories though; I'm not too sure about the ending and I have a feeling you left it purposefully ambiguous. Lol, I guess I can't blame you though, as that's one of my favorite things to do with my stories.

    Good work--I'm looking forward to more! Update soon so I can stop pressing refresh, lol.

Title: Chapter 6: Whose Fault is This Anyway? 28 May 2009 7:19 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful chapter as always! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to review...I've been ill with bronchitis this week and this is the first day I've had enough energy to drag myself to the computer and see what's been going on.

    I love all the details you've put in to the particulars of life...the funeral rituals and the roles of the pureblooded families. Quite a collection of guests, what with the Malfoys, Hermione, the Longbottoms, the Quidditch players.

    I just can't figure Draco out and I'm curious to see what is going to happen with him, if he's trying to change or if he's got something up his sleeve.

    I love all the father and son interaction with Harry and Severus. The two of them cleaning the lab together after Harry messed the potion was touching to me for some reason, and showed how far their relationship had come. But then it seemed to regress back at the Snape home in the study. I'm guessing being back there, with so many bad memories and right after the funeral was probably having an effect on Severus, whether he realized it or not.

    And the ending...I do hope Ginny's not about to break up with Harry, poor kid has a lot to deal with as usual. I really am eager for the next chapter. Reading this has brightened my day!
Title: Chapter 6: Whose Fault is This Anyway? 28 May 2009 9:54 am
Reviewer: Blackthorne (Signed) [Report This]
    Having Severus revert to his old distant and harsh behavior in Tobias' study, standing at his desk, adds layers of meaning to the scene. (““You had best do nothing to disgrace the Snape name . . . It is a name with pride and traditions which have been upheld for generations.”) The room echoes with generations of Snape men acting the same and worse toward their family. Severus has worked so hard to break with these "traditions", but the stress of the occasion combined with the setting and the topic of discussion combine to overwhelm his better motives. Once away from his old home, I suspect he will realize this and give some explanation to Harry. Or not, and Harry can take a perhaps dangerous foray into Malfoy-land (hope he brings Levi). I read in another fanfic the comment that Harry and Draco make a dangerous combination, since Harry has no fear, and Draco has no morals.

    If Harry can't talk to Severus, Ginny or Ron, there's always Hermione. I can see you setting this up, whether you will use it remains to be seen.

    The ambiguity surrounding Draco is well done. Is he finally growing up enough to see beyond his parents' expectations, or is he once again a tool for his father's questionable machinations?
Title: Chapter 6: Whose Fault is This Anyway? 24 May 2009 3:22 pm
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    Awesome chapter, but so unfair to leave us at this point! Harry's relationship with Severus is difficult right now (probably because Severus is being stupid about hiding stuff from Harry) and now it looks like there's a big problem with Ginny. Poor Harry!
Title: Chapter 6: Whose Fault is This Anyway? 23 May 2009 6:24 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Woah. I'm not really sure what I should be more worried about here, the fact that Harry has a good idea of what Severus did or his problems with Ginny. The last thing Harry needs right now is to break up with Ginny, who is his confidant, especially when Ron is unavailable and needs to deal with problems of his own. Who will Harry turn to if he doesn't feel like he can talk to Sev, Ginny, or Ron?

    I wonder if Harry's going to be able to let what his Dad did go; I mean, that's pretty big and Harry might not be as apt to trust Severus with this new development, along with the fact that his Dad is unwilling to talk with him about something so important. I know Severus wants to protect Harry from this reality, but I can tell that this is going to be a source of angst for some time.

    Is he really going to go to the World Cup with Draco? Maybe it would be good for Harry to hang around someone else and make a different close friend. Then again, maybe being with Draco's a bit like hanging out with the wrong people that Severus was talking about earlier in this fic. Who knows who might show up and talk to Lucius, after all.

    Great chapter and great timing posting it too--today is my birthday! I was hoping you'd post it today and you did! Thanks for making my day a bit brighter.

Title: Chapter 6: Whose Fault is This Anyway? 23 May 2009 4:01 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh God, oh God. That was amazing. Well worth the wait, and I adore the ending. I've been just into the whole Ginny and Harry thing lately.

    Oh, I just really hope that Severus and Harry's relationship won't be more damaged by the secrets between them then it would be if Severus just told Harry the truth.

    Oh, please update soon again, I know I'm greedy, but I'm like someone who's been in the desert for a long time, and only gets a sip of water! It's just a teaser! I want more of this.
Title: Chapter 6: Whose Fault is This Anyway? 23 May 2009 1:01 pm
Reviewer: Luna Moth (Anonymous) [Report This]
    very good. is there going to be more Dudley and Harry interaction soon ?
Title: Chapter 6: Whose Fault is This Anyway? 23 May 2009 12:55 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh man, that's ominous! Ginny's going to break up with Harry because her parents are afraid, right! Oh, I can't stand the suspense of not knowing.
Title: Chapter 5: Haven't You Ever Heard of Avada Kedavra? 02 May 2009 5:44 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Wait, Severus took the curse off of her? Does that mean she isn't going to die after all or is the damage already done? I hope that will take away some of Severus' guilt that I imagine he does feel, little though it may be. I'm glad he's chosen to protect Harry and keep him out of the situation. Who knows what Eileen would say to Harry, but I doubt it would be anything good.

    I'm very excited with what you're doing with Levi! That was a great scene--I love how he saved Harry! I also think the idea of him flying side-by-side with Harry on his broomstick is really cute.

    Good work!


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