Title: My Little... Collection
| 11 Jan 2013 3:33 am
Reviewer: A really, really big fan (Anonymous)
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE every single LINE of this story! Everything was just perfect! And the end with the howler--I felt just like Harry did at the beginning--I couldn't stop laughing!
Author's Response: ::smiling:: I'm glad you enjoyed it! The story took a sharp turn sideways from the point where Harry saw The Collection, running off a good bit from what I'd planned to happen; Hermione got super-bossy and just flat took over, shoving poor Harry nearly out of the picture. It sure was fun to write, though!
Just as well - the internet was still pretty prehistoric lol in the 1990s . . .
Title: My Little... Collection
| 01 Oct 2010 12:59 pm
Reviewer: Zafaran (Anonymous)
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This is Hysterically(!) funny. Well done. I even started to go over to your linked profile for ffnet so I could add it to my favorites listing over there (but the link was dead). This is immediately going into ebook for future rereading on my ebook reader, and I'm looking forward to reading it at home instead of the library so I can go ahead and laugh without disturbing folks. I hope your muse and schedule will allow you to write and post more chapters on more stories sometime soon. Keep up the good work. Zafaran zafaran@fastmail.fm
Highly entertaining. Bet Dumbledore never pranked any of them again! ^^
Oh, that was priceless! Fabulous really! Hermione is an amazing personality and a wonderful friend, but Lord help anyone who crosses her.
Oh, that was priceless! Fabulous really! Hermione is an amazing personality and a wonderful friend, but Lord help anyone who crosses her.
Author's Response: Thank you! The female of the species really *is* the most dangerous, after all...! ::snickers with madly twinkling eyes::
Title: My Little... Collection
| 11 Jun 2009 11:43 pm
Reviewer: Rebel_Dream (Anonymous)
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Oh My! I've never laugh so hard while reading a one-shot. Loved it. The Bext part is: The entire thirty minute, nicely amplified and shrill-voiced tirade that came from the red paper lips of the opened envelope would remain in student memory until the last witness graduated, and would be preserved verbatim forever in the annals of Hogwarts: A History. Everyone clearly heard every word. Miss Granger explicitly detailed how humiliating, denigrating, insensitive, and even downright insulting Albus had been, casting aspersions on his ancestry, his social skills, Merlin’s beard, she even verbally eviscerated the parenting skill of his mother and father! No Headmaster in the entire thousand-year history of the school had ever been lectured so thoroughly or brought so low by an angry parent, let alone a student! (Albus had sunk very low down in his chair, indeed; he was practically under the table--as was most of the student body, and several of the teachers.) I was on the floor after that paragraph.
Title: My Little... Collection
| 18 May 2009 12:00 pm
Reviewer: Ramelia (Signed)
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That was hilarious! Especially, how Harry fainted, when he saw Snape smiling - I couldn't stop laughing.
Title: My Little... Collection
| 06 May 2009 4:22 am
Reviewer: Bil (Signed)
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Oh, wow, wow, wow, that was so hilarious. I was giggling by the fifth paragraph and howling with laughter by the tenth. There was so much to laugh at!
I love how it's a while before we figure out just what Snape's been doing and what Albus's plan is and how it's gone wrong. The unfolding mystery is great. The line about the twins "able to scent a prank a week and ten miles away in their sleep" is hilarious and spot on. Albus's confusion about the lack of reaction is great and the idea that he's a prankster himself is unexpected but works so very well. And it's a much better explanation for his behaviour towards the Marauders than most of those out there. (And I love that the difference between Dumbledore and Sirius is that the former actually thinks things through.)
Harry's reaction to what Snape and Hermione are doing is great. And I absolutely adore the mental image of Snape with a My Little Pony in hand. And accessories! Can't forget those! Such a wonderful, crazy idea :) Your explanation for why they were doing cleaning up the ponies by hand was quite believable too.
Hermione and Snape's interaction re revenge was fun, and it was funny that even though Harry wasn't really involved he was still the one to come up with the Howler idea - and I love Snape's growing realisation of how well it could work. The delivery of the howler was great, everyone wondering what's going on and Albus's fear. Then the "IDIOT" and the green... and the pile of ponies! Hilarious!
I laughed so much reading this story. Thank you! It was great. And it's even hilarious on a second read through when I know what's going to happen because I'm anticipating what's coming up. Brilliantly done!
Author's Response: ::beaming smile:: I'm glad you enjoyed it! The storyline kind of took over and went where it wanted, quite separate from what I originally had planned out. Heh--I might have to do another humorous fic, this one went over so well!
Brilliant! My favourite parts were Snape listening to Hermione lecture Harry, and Prof. Trelawney missing the Howler. :D Thought the middle bit got a bit long though - all of Snape's deliberations.
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it! I figured Snape's brain would be spinning wildly as he tried to cope with the prank, and how to respond to it without using lethal force. =]