Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: My Little... Collection 04 May 2009 2:40 pm
Reviewer: CamsMimi21501 (Signed) [Report This]
    Crazy, I gotta tell ya, if I had been alone when reading this, I'd have been rolling on the floor in tears. As it is I think I pulled something trying not to laugh (my parents already think I'm loopy, why add to the evidence). Very well written, I felt you stayed very close to in character for all, a little exaggeration about certain aspects of their personalities is to be expected (and enormously enjoyed) after all. Snape's fear of Hermione as well as Draco's was one of my favorite parts, but Harry's well-founded fear of Hermione was genius. I've always felt that Harry (and Ron if I have to include him) were a tiny bit afraid of Hermione and it was perfectly expressed here. Well done, and I can't wait to read more of your work.

    Karen (P.S. I'm on the Lily's Charm list which is where I got the rec for your fic)

    Author's Response: Thanks!  ::blushing::  This one flowed really well.  I don't normall write quite so much humor!  I do try to stay in-character--even though everybody's view of each character is just that tiny bit different from anybody else's.  And yeah, with humor, exaggeration is definitely a part of it!  And if Harry and Ron *aren't* just a tad afraid of Hermione in a true temper, with as well as they know her...well!
Title: My Little... Collection 04 May 2009 12:54 pm
Reviewer: Verdad y Vida (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Haha! Oh my GOSH! :D I'm so glad you wrote this—I had the exact same idea with the My Little Pony dolls, but I couldn't quite get up the drive to write it. (Different plot, but the *darling* ittle wittle Pony dolls did make an appearance. Lol.) Hilarious fic!
Title: My Little... Collection 04 May 2009 12:17 pm
Reviewer: Zarathustra (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ok - this was brilliant! Congrats!
Title: My Little... Collection 04 May 2009 12:11 pm
Reviewer: RhiannanT (Signed) [Report This]
    ROFL!! I LOVE this. Freaking HILARIOUS. DANG!!!

    Author's Response: ::snicker::  Thanks!  =]
Title: My Little... Collection 03 May 2009 10:22 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Loved it, awesomely hilarious! This story deserves a 10 just for the creativity, let alone comedy ^_^

    I totally didn’t expect that collection, Dumbledore’s plot does explain it though. But sheesh, I can only imagine how flabbergasted Harry was to burst in the 'detention’ like that... *snickers uncontrollably* I think I’d have keeled over just trying to contain my laughter!

    Hermione rules! No one would dare defy her now, after that wicked display. Draco’s wariness was so funny and understandable. But really, her words were well thought out to make Dumbledore not only embarrassed, but ashamed.

    Brilliant, just brilliant. And that surprise ending just topped it off! Dumbledore had better have learned his lesson after this, that's all I can say :D

    Author's Response: Thankyou!  When the humor-bug bites me, he's got a wicked-sharp set of chompers on him.  It's Harry who saved Hogwarts, though--the Howler was his idea, after all, and prevented a prank war to end all prank wars from starting up!
Title: My Little... Collection 03 May 2009 10:00 pm
Reviewer: KimSpiritTalks (Signed) [Report This]
    That was Great! Very funny! Who knew Snape loved little plastic ponies?? I can just picture him lovingly brushing their hair and putting their dresses on. No wonder Harry reacted the way he did! It was beautiful!

    Author's Response: Thanks!  Snape didn't exactly *like* the little plastic things; it was Dumbledore who foisted the boxes off on him with instructions to fix 'em up, and made him accept Hermione's help in doing it.  Snape has this problem telling Dumbledore "no"...!  I don't think that'll be a problem for a while now, thought.  >=]
Title: My Little... Collection 03 May 2009 8:25 pm
Reviewer: wrappedinharry (Signed) [Report This]
    This was very, very funny. The sight of Snape even holding a pink plastic pony would be hysterical enough, but to actually have a comb in his other hand and quite obviously have been combing its mane and tail is especially hillarious.

    I do feel that Harry is just a ring in here though...oh, he was needed to bring the whole prank to light, but I feel Hermione is definitely the one interacting with Severus here. It is a Snape/Hermione story. But that is perhaps what you were supposed to do for the challenge. You even said it yourself...(Surprisingly enough, Miss Granger never once brought up including the other two thirds of the Golden Trio on their short list of two to be held immune from Dumbledore’s pranking--not even with one of them standing not fifteen feet from her.

    You even had Harry fainting; he is depicted as being totally dense and even weak compared to Hermione.

    The story is beautifully written though, and very, very funny.

    I do not imagine Minerva will let Hermione off easily though for showing such total disrespect to the headmaster. LOL.


    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you enjoyed it!  I just couldn't wrestle Harry into enough sympathy for Snape to do anything but laught his head off, not without at least another ten chapters or so anyway.  Though the Howler was his bright idea, thus saving Hogwarts from probably destruction through the prank war to end all prank wars...!  Hermione was the only character I could think of who'd be both quick-thinking and smart enough to head off murder and mayhem when Harry burst in that door, though.  She's big enough on the proprieties ("Professor" Snape, Harry!!) not to laugh outright at Snape even if she doesn't like him, and to be highly offended at Dumbledore's unprofessional behavior.  I might've used Percy Weasley, except there'd be no reason for Harry to rush down to the dungeons in defence of *Percy.*  The humor aspect called for exaggeration of different character traits--such as a more than healthy respect for a furious teenage witch who knew more hexes and big words than some of the teaching staff, and a bit more denseness than the normal teenage boy displays.

    It's probably the anime influence on me, but in humor-mode, when I think of a character getting Very Angry, I see an image of them with the steam shooting out of their ears, fire spitting from their mouths, their hair standing on end, and everyone else running for cover!  And the weaker the character, the more stunning the angry display.

    And poor Harry didn't *faint.*  ::mock-offended sniff::  He collapsed in hysterical laughter.  He's extremely lucky he didn't hurt himself, don't'cha'know!  Heh.

    Hmm...Minerva might secretly approve.  She's been at Hogwarts a long time; she'd certainly remember Albus' pranking from years past, and might be pleased to think this might keep him from starting up again!  So her dressing-down of Hermione might just involve tea and cakes soft voices behind her closed office door.  =]

Title: My Little... Collection 03 May 2009 8:13 pm
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hee hee. I really enjoyed this, story. It was pretty funny, especially to see Snape primping up the ponies. I also really enjoyed Snape and Hermione collaborating together. You wrote a very original story, so way to go. And thanks for writing your first P&S story for the fest.

    Author's Response: Thank you!  I'm glad you enjoyed it.  It was my very first challenge response of any sort, I'm gald it turned out well.
Title: My Little... Collection 03 May 2009 8:12 pm
Reviewer: Kel (Anonymous) [Report This]
    That was absolutely bloody brilliant!
    My LITTLE PONIES??!!?!
    I'm finding the need to google pictures of snape and then the ponies
    That was too hilarious!!!!
    Great work!!

    Author's Response: ::snicker::  Thanks!  Heh--deviantART.com had a pic recently with Snape "leading" an "army" of My Little Ponies.
Title: My Little... Collection 03 May 2009 7:45 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Hahahah1 That was brilliant! I loved how yu described everyone's reaction to the My Little Ponies and how Harry nearly died laughing and why Albus never really stopped the Marauders from pranking Snape (of course he WOULD think it was harmless) I especially liked the revenge Sev, Hermione, and Harry got upon Dumbledore! This was really funny!

    Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it!  It's a good thing Harry thought of that Howler, though, isn't it.  Would Hogwarts even survive a prank war between Dumbledore and Snape teamed up with Hermione?  (Would I be able to think up enough good pranks to keep it going?!)  ::snicker::

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