Oh, you have to let us know! I'm going to go crazy wondering. I really loved your story and how Severus and James both wanted Harry. But I'm just so curious...
Great job!
Title: His Son
| 06 May 2009 4:43 am
Reviewer: Bil (Signed)
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An unexpected ending, but I think it's a good one. And I liked James's certainty that it didn't matter whose biological son Harry was, he was still James's son. I enjoyed this fic.
Oh this was so intense, especially the ending! But, who’s the father? And whom cast the obliviate? My guess is it might have been James, in desperation to keep his son. I’m both upset and thrilled by the mystery, and hope that you’ll post a sequel sometime. PLEASE? *looks hopeful*
This was very well written and a creative idea. I could really understand how both Severus and James felt under the situation and why both so desperately wanted Harry. Severus seems sort of possessive since he lost Lily, and James because he fell in love with little baby Harry.
Title: His Son
| 05 May 2009 12:24 pm
Reviewer: Verdad y Vida (Anonymous)
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Beautifully done. Not very...uplifting, per se, but I enjoyed it. I'm in the minority, but I really don't want you to write a sequel! I think it would ruin it if we found out who was the father—even in a sequel. Because, I don't know, the originality of the piece is in its boldness in *not* ever telling us who the father was, as well as not telling us who the obliviator was. Personally, I like to think it was James—because I don't think Sirius or Remus wanted the baby, and Snape to me seemed more focused on *having* something of Lily's that James didn't than loving Harry—but I loved that you left it as ambiguous.
Well, just my two cents, for what they're worth. Great job with an intriguingly warped storyline!
Title: His Son
| 05 May 2009 9:12 am
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous)
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Absolutely wonderful. I just love the ambiguity at the end of the story. I really, really would love to see a sequel if it is indeed Severus who is the father. Thanks for participating in the fest. Write more stories!
You are *evil*. Yep, evil. Not telling us who Harry's biological father is...
Dammit! So who's the father?
Title: His Son
| 05 May 2009 2:20 am
Reviewer: Deco (Anonymous)
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Well, obviously Harry wasn't James' son. I'm guessing also he wasn't Remus'. Which leaves Sirius and Severus.
Woah. So who was it? GREAT story, very well done. Augh but I hate that it leave me guessing - but at the same time, it is a masterpiece. Fabulous job. I love that James already gave his son his heart.