AAAHHHH!!! *strangles the story* tell me who the father is!!! lol awesome ending.
Oh, my're going top leave us hanging???!!! I am so...well, I don't know if its relieved or upset. In one way I want to know, in another, I don't. I don't want James to be hurt if HArry is not his son. Nor do I want Severus to have to fight for Harry if he is his son. At least Sirius and Remus are James' friends.
Loved the descriptions of the tiny baby boy in Severus' large hands...that was beautiful. And you mention his dark blue eyes. Obviously they have yet to change to green.
I was a bit worried at the beginning. It looked as if Lily was rather promiscuous, pure and simple. I can't imagine getting so drunk that I wouldn't know that I was having sex with someone who wasn't my fiance however. And it's a bit sad that poor little HArry was conceived with both his biological parents being so far off their faces, they didn't even know they were having sex!
Very good story though. Everyone was in character, especially Sirius whom I always feel might have been the instigator of so many of the problems at school. He definitely hasn't grown up. The out of control laughter was very cruel, but very Sirius.
Who incanted the 'Obliviate', I wonder. James, I imagine because he ain't giving HArry up to no one.
This would be an interesting start to a chaptered story. Might you continue, skipping forward a few years of course?
Excellent writing.
Title: His Son
| 05 May 2009 1:26 am
Reviewer: Milly (Anonymous)
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Title: His Son
| 04 May 2009 10:19 pm
Reviewer: jolisgsd (Anonymous)
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Oooo, nice ending! Go ahead, *leave* us all hanging...!
Loved the Sirius-Snape interaction; not to mention Remus' reaction to it. ::smirk:: None of 'em have really grown up all that much, have they...?
Clever ending! Well done.
I like that there was no resolution to the matter for the readers. Good job on a story that could have made Lily out to be a very naughty and not so savory individual. (We already know the rest aren't so savory, so I suppose it's okay for them.)
Very interesting! And what a cliffie! Now the readers get to draw their own conclusions. I think it was Severus, and James decided to Obliviate all of them so he could keep Harry as "His" son. I wonder if he ever told Lily who it was?
I loved the part when Severus was holding baby Harry, so very sweet, I'd have liked to have a camera and taken a picture!
Interesting. I really like how you left it ambiguous. I find the whole thing very disturbing, and so didn't really ENJOY reading it, but it is really good, regardless.
That was sooo fantastic! The pace, the build up and, oh God, the ending! That was evil... but I have a feeling that you're not going to tell us who the father is anyway. Great air of mystery to the piece - it could easily have been any one of them! I'll bet that it was either James or Snape who cast the Obliviate though. I'm going to be thinking about that for the rest of the day now - what a way to end a story! Love it!