Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For The Final Breeze
Title: Chapter 10 - Waiting 31 Jan 2016 11:04 am
Reviewer: hisnhers (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh the drama... I have said it before (to other authors, maybe you, too) These characters are going to start haunting you for putting them through so much. Goodness gracious. (SouthEastern American phrase.)

    This chapter gets a 20. ;D

Title: Chapter 1 – The Tower 31 Jan 2016 9:17 am
Reviewer: hisnhers (Signed) [Report This]
    Talk about cliff-hanger!! wow. well done.

Title: Chapter 5 - New Problems 06 Sep 2014 9:45 am
Reviewer: songminah (Anonymous) [Report This]
    really really pretty ^^
    thank you for your amazing work :)
Title: Chapter 1 – The Tower 22 Feb 2013 9:55 am
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    Good grief! Harry's pain is palpable.
Title: Chapter 28 – Plans 23 Jan 2012 11:42 pm
Reviewer: futrmrssnape (Signed) [Report This]
    I just found this earlier today, I loved it. I like this Poppy/Moody pairing, and Severus and Harry as brothers even more. I felt sad at first, but then I realized there is a sequel, and now I can't wait to read it. I hope Sev can let himself heal, and not take it out on his family.
Title: Chapter 28 – Plans 05 Aug 2011 2:50 pm
Reviewer: MsMaddieSciuto (Signed) [Report This]
    Have really enjoyed this story. Love the relationship between Harry and Severus. Specially their banter! Getting started on the sequel now. Maddie xx

    Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Chapter 28 – Plans 28 Jun 2011 10:18 am
Reviewer: CheyRainAwesomeness (Signed) [Report This]
    This was really good and I liked it.

    Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review!
Title: Chapter 16 – The First Training 11 May 2011 9:02 pm
Reviewer: Summer (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh ****! I forgot to log on. I'll just reveiw now and not waste my time on logging on. Great chapter!

    Author's Response: Thank you very much for you review!
Title: Chapter 28 – Plans 27 Dec 2010 10:26 am
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    i loved this story can't wait to read the sequal

    Author's Response: I really hope you like the sequel as well.
Title: Chapter 27 – The Final Battle 27 Dec 2010 10:18 am
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    dahm I loved this loved this all his training plus more that is Gryfindoor

    Author's Response: Hahaha! Thanks!

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