Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Making Things Even
Title: Making Things Even 13 May 2009 10:41 pm
Reviewer: Deco (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I liked this...very different.

    Author's Response: Thanks!
Title: Making Things Even 13 May 2009 9:04 pm
Reviewer: cckeimig (Signed) [Report This]
    Nice one!

    Author's Response: Thank you!
Title: Making Things Even 13 May 2009 8:24 pm
Reviewer: snarky Beth (Signed) [Report This]
    Great work! You truly did a superb job in answering this challenge :). I enjoyed the characterization you gave Mark (you really didn’t have much to go by), and it was quite interesting to see things through his prospective. I’m also glad Severus finally saw how things truly ran in his classroom.

    The ending was a bit rushed IMHO, but I do like the results :) If Sirius ever found out that Snape was responsible for getting him out of Azkaban and reclaiming his godson; he’d likely pass out. Mark did wonderful in repaying Harry, and in the best way too.

    Author's Response: All my writing is rushed these days.  It's a hurry-before-the-baby-wakes-up kind of thing. We take care of my eleven month old niece (light of my life, apple of my eye...) as a contribution to my brother's education while his sweet wife is working to put him through school.  Mom would be happy to give me writing time while she plays with her, but Evie won't allow it.  I'm supposed to be paying attention to her, not some stupid old computer!
Title: Making Things Even 13 May 2009 6:36 pm
Reviewer: Chandramas (Signed) [Report This]
    This is so unfair! I mean... it was too fast!! I was ready to read this story for... 40-50 chapters maybe a little longer! I loved that! I hope for a sequel! And Mark was a good character!! use him again! A Slytherin friend for Harry could be really useful!

    Author's Response: Nope, no sequel.  I'd rather write Harry than a random OC.  Since we never actually met Mark Evans in canon, that's what he really is--a canonically named OC.
Title: Making Things Even 13 May 2009 5:28 pm
Reviewer: FangsFawn (Signed) [Report This]
    Very, very nice! Could have used a going-over by an editor/beta, but overall a great job. Loved the extra characteristics you added to the Slytherins, i.e. ambitions, eye-for-an-eye justice, distaste for being in debt to anyone – brilliant!

    Author's Response: Actually, Tabitha went over it for me.  My long-time beta got bitten by the monster known as RL and I haven't heard from her in over a year.  She was my Brit-picker, too. *pout*  I went into it and corrected a few little errors.  Remmeber, for once I didn't actually post it...
Title: Making Things Even 13 May 2009 5:08 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Well done! I liked how Mark behaved and how Severus finally realized what he had done to harry was wrong and made amends in a typical Slytherin fashion.

    Author's Response: Thank you!  Seems to be that a good many Slytherins would prefer some things be behind the scenes...
Title: Making Things Even 13 May 2009 4:49 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Loved it.

    Just one question - what year did it happen?

    Clever, clever Slytherins!!!!

    Author's Response: Fifth year.  That was the fifth year sorting song, BTW
Title: Making Things Even 13 May 2009 4:22 pm
Reviewer: Su (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Thank you for posting, I rather did enjoy the story, though I liked it more in the beginning than the end. I got the impression you didn't quite let it flow how it was supposed to and wrapped it up too quick, but that could be because I was disappointed in the minimal Snape-Harry interaction.

    Your concept was good and your description of Little Whinging. Loved the perspective and the fact that you gave Mark a voice and characterization of his own; would have liked a bit more on how he adapted to Slytherin; surely all Slytherins aren't biased? I must say, though, I really didn't like the concluding paragraph. I found it odd and a bit inconcievable that just by looking at those headlines Mark knows the impact he's made. How would he know what Snape did? Why would Snape trust an eleven year old with that information if he didn't even tell the mutt? Sorry, just find that a bit hard to believe.

    Author's Response: Snape didn't tell Mark anything.  Why would he? 
Title: Making Things Even 13 May 2009 4:20 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh that was wonderful Bratling! You wrote that so fast too.

    I love how sneaky Severus was in orchestrating Sirius' release, and thus paving the way for Harry to be freed. Sneaky Slytherin.

    I also like how you have portrayed Mark as well. I guess he DID make a good Slytherin.

    Nicely done.

    Author's Response: Thank you!  I admit that there wasn't any real time interaction between Sev and Harry, but this was primarily Mark's story, as specified in the challenge...

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