Nice chapter. I liked the part with Snape and the house elf giving him advise about what to wear and do. Now, the only question is if it will work? Will Lily find out about William next chapter? I can't wait to find out!
Title: Chapter 13: Informing the Longbottoms
| 06 Sep 2009 10:35 pm
Reviewer: Holly (Anonymous)
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Aw! You did stop at the most logical place, thus making a huge cliffhanger for the reader :) can't wait to read more. You do a pretty good job of keeping it nice and simple, a good easy read. Keep up the great work!
Title: Chapter 13: Informing the Longbottoms
| 29 Aug 2009 8:32 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed)
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What's nice about this story is that no one is dead, no one is insane, or in pain from the effects of cruatius, crucio or imperius and no one is calling Harry a freak, and starving him!! I love it. Oh and the fact that Dudley, Vernon and Petunia consider Harry family is nice too.
Nice chappie and I simply can't wait for Lily and Severus to meet.
Title: Chapter 13: Informing the Longbottoms
| 29 Aug 2009 12:06 am
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous)
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You're doing a very nice job with this story. I am really looking forward to Severus and Lily meeting. I feel bad for Severus; he seems very anxious.
Title: Chapter 13: Informing the Longbottoms
| 28 Aug 2009 11:23 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed)
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Short short short :-( cannot wait for your James! M.
I love that Alice Laughed! And that she could pull strings to speed up the process. Can't wait to see Sev with Both Boys togeather.
Where is chapter 12? You promised me a Snape rant! *likes Snape ranting* Yuck to Dudley's lack of pants *shudders* :) Mila
Author's Response: It was more of him whining to himself. And I accidentally misnamed the chapter: 13 was 12. And Dudley had pants on, just no underwear... and in my story, he is active, playing soccer and such instead of loafing around, so he is thin...
Title: Chapter 12
| 22 Aug 2009 11:28 pm
Reviewer: shan (Anonymous)
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great chapter. love to see the longbottoms' reactions. wondering how the meet with sev and lily will go.... do update soon.
Very nice, you write nagging parents very well, lol. The things they said sounded like they came straight from my mom's mouth. I'm loving the shock factor here too. Good work!
Author's Response: I just use the things I have heard from my own parents! Glad you like it!
OmG! I thought I would pee my pants with the saggy but, and commando comment.
Frank's comment about the flea collar was too funny also.
I'm looking forward to seeing Lily and Severus meet finally. Can't wait fo the next chappie. Good one Kyle! Or should I say TWO!