Reviews For The Boogeyman
Ohh, creepy. I enjoyed this one a lot, especially Harry's response. Made me think he would never touch a potions vial ever again.
Author's Response: Well, the Boogeyman thing is already happned by the time Snape is doing his fourth order. The story is told in flashback - The first order was to show Harry to his room, the second was to show him around the castle and the third was to watch him - in that time the boogeyman incident happened - and in the begining he's about to do his fourth order, if that makes sense at all?
Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you liked it, and thanks for the praise! I love to hear positive feedback :) -Welsh
Author's Response: Thanks! When I began writing this story, the first thing i wrote was that 'he has red eyes' conversation. I'm glad my favorite part to write of this story was the best. -Welsh |
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