Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
You did a good job portraying the children and their fear and bravery. Ha ha! Wormtail thought that he was so clever! I'm looking forward to seeing more of Snape and Harry. Author's Response: Yes and they will continue to fight until something happens to them . . .if something happens to them. Thanks so much for letting me know that, it relieves my mind. He did, but the joke . . .and the snake . . .was on him!
Author's Response: Thanks very much! As for Albus dying . . .I can't say yes or no at this point, you'll just have to read onward.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm so glad you liked this one. You're so right, and Albus has, unfortunately learned this lesson the hard way.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! There could be hope for him, you'll see in time!
Yes, it was beautifully written, but hard to read. I had a rough weekend, and the week's not going so well either, so this chapter really hit the old tear buckets. Well done SG, please update soon. Oh, and I'm really enjoying Ariadne. Everyone should go check it out. You've made me interested in Greek Mythology, and I love your twist on it. Author's Response: Aww! Sorry I made you cry. Yay, for reading Ariadne! I'm so glad you're reading it and enjoying it, especially because Greek Mythology is one of my passions, I minored in it in college and love the old tales.
Author's Response: Thanks! I had hoped people would feel that way about it, because sometimes one has to suffer through their own "dark night" to really understand the suffering of others.
Author's Response: yeah it is and I think it was necessary to have it here, so people can see just what it takes for the old man to redeem himself.
Author's Response: Yes, the timing is crucial and it's drawing to a close, their window of opportunity. You'll see what I mean if you read the next part. I have posted it.
Those poor kids! And I even feel sorry for Dumbledore. Please Severus and Harry, come and save them. I don't want them to die! Author's Response: So true! I don't want them to die either!
Author's Response: They'll certainly try1 Thanks for reviewing! |
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