Aww, what a great chapter! Poor Harry, so much guilt and turmoil. I hope Severus is understanding and uses that ritual to help both of them. Update soon!
Author's Response: Thanks and the next chapter has been posted so you can see how Sev reacts and what the ritual is like.
Just the talk or something about a ritual too?
Thanks for the chapter. I hope the talk goes without too much hurt ^_^
Author's Response: No, the ritual will be in there. That's a major part of the next chappie. Thanks for reviewing!
Ooh all caught up now yay, I love the Witherspoons! they are all great characters and so lovely of them to help out Severus and Harry that way, I do hope Severus isnt too hard on poor Harry, he must feel awful guilt over what happened already, im so glad that Severus was okay though, hopefully they can continue with their mission and get rid of old Volde for good :)
Author's Response: They will be trying and yes, Harry's guilt is killing him, poor kid. Now you can read what happens next as I have just updated.
Title: A Valiant Recovery
| 01 Sep 2009 11:57 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed)
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I'm so glad Severus is getting better. That Jilly's a real lifesaver! Now we just have to get Harry to talk to Severus and stop avoiding him! Please update soon as I am addicted.
Author's Response: Okay here's another chapter to feed your addiciton! And that will be a hard thing to do, managing to talk Harry out of his guilt and shame.
Jilly is awesome! I cried when she hugged Severus. I really hope that Harry can get over his guilt and Sev can learn to trust Harry again. They really need each other.
Author's Response: They do, oh they do and they know it. I love Jilly and I'm hoping she can help them as well. I have just updated this!
I love this. There was a while when I got annoyed with having caught up with you so I stopped but now I'm like 10 chapters behind you!! I do hope he gets back to Meadowsweet please make it a happy ending I've read too many books with sad endings lately!!
Author's Response: Yes well you'll see what happens with Harry and Meadowsweet sometime later in the book! Hope you like the next chapters they are angsty and intense.
Title: A Valiant Recovery
| 31 Aug 2009 7:31 pm
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed)
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Not quite sure how the conversation will go. All I know is that Jilly was probably the only one who could heal at least part of his mental/emotional wounds. Very good chapter.
Author's Response: Yes, that is true. And now you can see what happens next. Harry is being very stubborn.
Title: A Valiant Recovery
| 31 Aug 2009 11:02 am
Reviewer: Poirot (Signed)
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Great chapter, although I find I am impatiently waiting for the conversation between Severus and Harry.
Author's Response: As am I and everyone else. But Harry is so stubborn! I have just updated so now you can see what happens next.
Liked this chapter a lot! Felt really bad for Harry and his guilty conscious but then again if I were in his shoes I'd feel the same. I hope the conversation goes well, hopefully!! :(
Author's Response: Yes, he has a rough time letting go of the past and not blaming himself. You can see what happens next now!
Title: A Valiant Recovery
| 31 Aug 2009 12:37 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous)
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Glad sev is feeling better, looking forward to the conversation between Harry and Sev. I love Jilly!
Author's Response: Jilly's a sweetie. She can really help mend their relationship. Now you can see what's going to happen next as I have updated.