Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
hedwig deserves some owl treats and a mouse i am glad hedwig managed to trust harry and that harry managed to destroy the dagger and not listen to its manipulations and sev will be ok, but possibly slightly angry with himself aswell as harry Author's Response: Thanks!! She does and I have given her some! You're right, when Sev recovers further he will be mostly angry at himself for not noticing something was wrong. I have just posted the next part, so please read it.
That was beautifully wrote. Thanks. Author's Response: You were, and that was a great guess. Thanks and hope you'll enjoy the next part i have posted.
I'm so happy. I'm doing the happy dance, see? Chocolate frogs for you Snapegirl!! :) Snape lives. I hope that Harry can get over this guilt though. I will definitely go check out your new story, even though I'm ignorant when it comes to Greek mythology! Author's Response: It was a very close thing. Only Harry knows how close though. But he won out in the end, using the one thing the dagger couldn't anticipate--love. Me too! *dances* Thanks, I really need them! *eats one* Now that will take some time as well as along overdue discussion with Severus. Thanks please do! I have updated both this one and Ariadne and am anxiously awaiting your reviews! Hope they're good ones!
Author's Response: You're right. I always try and have Harry receive some needed help or advice before he faces a challenge, because the hardest things are often faced with the help of family and friends. And Harry needs all the help he can get. I have just posted a new chap!
Author's Response: Thanks! I wanted the dagger to go out with a bang--and it did! Phew! I'm glad it's gone! Now you can see the next adventure since I have updated!
Author's Response: Thanks and I'm glad you're still R &R ing! A new chapter has been added!
Author's Response: Thanks and I'm glad you liked my arguments. I tried to make them as realistic as I could. And now here's some more for you!
Author's Response: Thank you very much!
I love little Jilly! And the potion-brewing was great--I love how he could imagine Sev's comments and reactions and such. And Jace is Jace. What a great character. :-) And I think he should just have Hedwig carry the dagger and drop it into the dose of potion so he doesn't get near it again. It will still influence him if he gets close to it once more, I would think. That way, she'd not have to trust him with the dagger, either, which she knows better than to do. Then again, it's YOUR story... Author's Response: I wanted him to feel some connection to Sev while he was brewing, to show how much he has learned, even unconsciously from him. It deepens their relationship. I'm so glad you like Jilly and Jace, they are two of my favorite OC's. Thank you for your suggestion, you will see what they do with the dagger next chapter, which is posted.
Author's Response: Thank you! And I agree, Jilly will help both of them more than she knows! |
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