Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
Author's Response: A very good idea and I thank you for your support. The next one has been posted.
Author's Response: That's a really good idea and I shall consider it. I have the next chapter posted so you can see what becomes of the dagger. Thank you for all your reviews. Harry has indeed learned from the best in the field. And you're right, he could become Sev's equal in time.
Author's Response: I do remember . . .and harry will do his best to help Severus, he doesn't want him to die either. Grace is very determined and she also wishes to help Severus. hedwig must be made to trust Harry somehow . . .I'm just not sure how yet.
well i'm glad hedwig has alot of sense and took the dagger before harry did anything else with it Author's Response: Okay, I won't kill Sev . . .I don't want to be a horrible author. Or be killed either.
Author's Response: Thanks! Sometimes Jilly imitates the speech of her elders and other times she lapses back into the speech of a two-year-old. I've seen this happen with my small nephews. It might seem strange, but it's because they're learning how to talk right and copy people. And she is a very bright young child, plus her Talent lets her understand things which a child her age often can't.
Author's Response: Good idea! Thank you!
Author's Response: yes she does! Hedwig is not as insensitive to Harry's feelings as she seems, she knows he is very upset but at the same time is afraid the dagger will influence him again. But next chapter Harry will attempt to convince her he is all right.
Author's Response: That's true and the next chapter will be about Harry regaining her trust. I'm glad you liked this one, but the next one will be pretty tense.
Author's Response: Good idea! Harry is really showing his true colors here and he'll show them even more next chapter. Thanks for your suggestion.
"Back to clean up. Severus would have my hide if I left his lab like that," Harry said, then froze. This was not Severus's lab and he was not watching his apprentice, waiting for him to remember his instructions. A sudden pang of sorrow smote him and he felt tears sting his eyes. It made me feel sorry for Harry, for a moment there nothing seemed out of place until he realized that this wasn't where he thought he was. =( I hope everything will be alright, please update when you can! *runs off to find a blanket* it's getting cold again T_T Author's Response: Yes, that scene really was heartbreaking. But perhaps things shall work out. You'll see next chapter. As for Harry and the dagger, it'll be resolved next chapter as well. |
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