Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
Author's Response: Thanks and I hope you're enjoying RPM as well. They all will try their best to help Severus.
Author's Response: Yes, very much so! Enjoy your chocolate.
no evil cliffie for me! lol Author's Response: Oh yes and don't you just love it! No, lucky you!
sorry for not R&R i had finals last week and this week went to visit my sister i didnt bring my computer :) off to read the rest Author's Response: It was supposed to be because TR is a very creepy guy. Not to mention an evil one. Oh I had wondered where you'd gotten to. I was afraid your computer had blown up or something.
Author's Response: Yes, it will. She will not trust him . . .as you'll see in two chapters. In the meantime I have updated the chapter with the potion making.
Author's Response: Yes, that's true. And as for keeping Sev alive . . .you'll see.
Author's Response: yes now that will take a bit of time, since Sev was hurt very badly. And harry's guilt will start to interfere in their relationship as well.
Author's Response: Thank you1 And you're right, Harry's love for Severus will help him a great deal. I have updated again, BTW.
I think that the most he will be able to do is to convince Hedwig to drop the dagger in the potion lol Thanks Author's Response: Oh yes, he will prove himself next chapter. Hedwig will require a good deal of convincing given what the dagger has done to harry.
Author's Response: Hedwig is not really immune to the dagger, but she handles the dagger's influence well since she is an animal. Yes, that could work. Or it could happen differently. |
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