Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
Author's Response: Yes, they should have, except Jace couldn't fly as a hawk. And who knew the weres were going to be so much trouble! Grace will be Harry's lifeline soon enough.
Maybe if Harry makes the potion first and then talks to Hedwig about giving him the dagger? That might work. Grace can help Harry with the potion too. I really liked the way you have described the Witherspoon house. It brings back memories of peace and healing. Bravo! Author's Response: Good because I had to come up with something to keep Sev alive long enough for the potion to brew. Yes, that could work. Grace would be very willing to help him. I'm glad you liked the house, I wasn't sure if I did a good job with it or not.
Author's Response: Harry will try his best to make him well.
Great chapter, and you've made me feel a little better, that there's still hope for Severus. I just hope that Harry can heal now, because guilt is going to ravish Harry. How will he ever get over almost killing Severus. Poor boy. Either way, rough times are ahead for Harry. Author's Response: She may take a bit more convincing than you'd think. Yes, hope is now rising for Severus. Oh yes, that guilt is going to really hurt him, unless Severus is healed and convinces him to let it go, which will not be an easy thing.
Author's Response: Okay, I'm seriously considering letting Sev live. Because the prophecy still needs to be fulfilled and Harry really would kill himself if Severus died.
Author's Response: Scary isn't it? But at least you can read the next chapter now!
Of course, they were the very best chapters! Author's Response: yes, aren't I terrible? IT MAKES YOU GO INSANE, RIGHT?
Please, please, please, promise me that you won't kill Severus!!! Sorry about all the exclamation marks but I'm thoroughly agitated at the moment (and it's all your fault, you excellent writer, you). Excuse me wile I open another box of Kleenex. More, please. Dancingkatz Author's Response: I can give you a box of it! I don't think I will have Severus die, though at one point I was considering it. Then again, I don't want to be fish bait. I havejust updated again, so you can see how Jace helps Harry and Severus.
Author's Response: yes, that was always in the plan. I may be, but . . .you won't know yet.
Author's Response: Tha is very true! |
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