Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
Oh, you left us hanging again. Aw, Poor Harry, please don't do this to him! Okay, so I'm at work here, with tears in the corner of my eye. Great chapter. Author's Response: Aww! I'm touched. Poor Harry and poor Sev, they are both teetering on the brink of destruction. Hopefully something can be done about it.
Author's Response: Thanks and I will consider your words very carefully before deciding. I have just updated and now you can find out what happened.
Don't follow J. K. Rowling's example and flake under peer pressure. If you have it set in your mind to kill Severus, then, by the gods, kill him. If you have it set in your mind that he lives, then he lives. You're skilled enough to decide for yourself. If Severus lives, how will he and Harry continue to tolerate each other? Whether it was the dagger's fault, it was Harry that tried to kill him and that will be bound to leave a mark. How could Severus ever trust him again? The story cannot just go back to normal - that's impossible with Harry's actions. If Severus dies, Harry'll have to cope with that loss. He is no longer the innocent little boy; he has been swayed by the dark and who's to say it will not happen again? He cannot claim it was not his entire fault; a part of him must really have wanted Severus to die, otherwise he would have faught harder to prevent the manipulations of the blade. Decide for yourself. Always yours, Jewels. Author's Response: yes, I am. And I will. I just have to decide which way it's going to go. Actually, there was no way for Harry to avoid the dagger's possession. The dagger is an old old evil, it has been around for thousands of years and many good men and women, wizard and non-wizard have fallen to its spell. It knew exactly what it was doing when it cut open Harry's face. It couldn't penetrate Sev's mind unless he touched it skin to skin and even then it would have had a hard time, so it went for the easier and more vulnerable prey. Once that cut was made, and Harry barely even knew it was there, gotten as it was in the heat of battle and he was cut already from flying splinters, the dagger's poison began to work on him. Subtly and slowly, so that he had no idea what was happening. He wasn't holding the dagger and neither of them knew the dagger could influence people's minds that way. It knew just how to manipulate Harry so Harry would agree, in the dream, to protect it. Once that link was made, Harry was snared. And he didn't even know it. When he stabbed Severus, he was still asleep, being manipulated by the dagger, and it was as if he was sleepwalking when he attacked Sev. As soon as he woke, he was horrified. Whether or not Sev will forgive him, if he lives, is another story.
Author's Response: He's the young Slytherin who harry helped that was being tormented by Draco.
Author's Response: yes, you are absolutely right. The Dagger is much wickeder than the One Ring and it lives to kill and subvert innocents. Harry really had no defense against it, it was made even more powerful by Voldy putting a piece of his corrupt soul into it. Hope you like how things continue!
Author's Response: He couldn't. They might not get there just yet. I have just updated.
Author's Response: Terrible, isn't it?
Author's Response: And he's hurt badly this time. And maybe he won't recover and maybe he will.
Author's Response: I know, I'm so rough on the poor guy. I have updated!
Harry, you poor kid, why did you not tell Severus about the dreams??? That dagger needs to be burned up in a volcano or thrown into the ocean. Damn Tom Riddle! Author's Response: Damn him indeed! He didn't know they were anything more than dreams. |
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