Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
I love Snape proving Harry right. xDD Author's Response: Okay interesting as well as creepy works for me. That was my favorite part too.
Author's Response: hedwig thanks you! But she knew what she was doing. She's such a sweet and brave girl. I've just updated this so you can read about their new adventures.
Author's Response: Yes, in order to defeat Voldy for the last time, he has to stay focused and distractions can be deadly. No, but at least they are under cover. If you read the next part you'll see how they manage to get out of it.
Sev/Warrior's words about losing companions in war and continuing missions to honor the sacrifice of said companions was dead on target though. Harry/Freedom should take them to heart. Can't wait for the next update!! Author's Response: I love Hedwig. She's such fun to write. Good, because I've known soldiers who have returned from Iraq, namely my sister, who have told me that. He will, believe me. Here's the next chapter.
its all raging hormones down in the woods Author's Response: well it was a pony, years ago, and he hasn't ridden since then. You'll learn more about the Crabbes and Marietta's family too. Oh yes, it sure is, LOL!
Author's Response: Oh yes, you do! No and that will be a tough thing to convince Fudge to not only admit he was wrong but admit it in the forst place. True and soon they will have to leave. Thanks for reviewing!
Author's Response: I just couldn't I hated that part in DH. So I would never do that in my work. Now you can check out what else is in store for them.
Author's Response: Great and here's the next one for you!
so happy hedwig didn't die can't wait for the next chappter Author's Response: Thanks I think hedwig deserved to live and couldn't bear to let her go. The next chapter's up now!
Author's Response: No I just couldn;t do that to Harry. It'd be too much. Thanks! |
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