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Reviews For Two Hawks Hunting
Title: Mist and Shadows 12 Jul 2009 9:03 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Loved it! And congrats on the translations too. You deserve it! Take your time, your writing is worth waiting for, trust me!

    Author's Response: Thanks so much! Love all your reviews and hope you keep reading!
Title: Mist and Shadows 11 Jul 2009 10:49 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved it! especially when Harry got embarrassed in front of Meadowsweet. Your wolfen are really interesting and I love reading about them. Poor Harry, he tries so hard to be tough and conquer his fears alone, but he forgets that Severus can help him the best. Update again soon!

    Author's Response: yes that is so true and he'll usually have Severus to lean on.  I will and thanks so much!
Title: Mist and Shadows 11 Jul 2009 5:52 am
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed) [Report This]
    Heh, cool on the translating bit. I know on the story bit. And thanks for updating on this bit. Also, I had a refrence to one of your stories in Chapter 2 of Runner. Can you spot it?

    Author's Response: Hmm have to go look for it1 And thanks for reading!
Title: Mist and Shadows 10 Jul 2009 11:31 pm
Reviewer: Fernsfairie (Signed) [Report This]
    I really like this chapter, because Harry gets so embarrassed. And honestly, I know adults that are so terrified the dark they have a flashlight, extra batteries, and a light up necklace on them at ALL times.

    Author's Response: Yeah, well he's fifteen and if I remember correctly it's easy at that age for parents to embarrass their kids.  I know people like that myself, so Harry's fear isn't that difficult for me to understand and write about.
Title: Mist and Shadows 10 Jul 2009 7:12 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm so glad that Hedwig is okay. I was so worried about her.

    It is really sad how the wolfen are treated.

    Poor Harry, how embarrassing to have his phobias put on display like that and to have a panic attack. I'm really glad that he has Severus now.

    My heart was beating out of control right along with Harry though. I wouldn't want to be deep in the woods, in the dead of night either, with all those evil creatures lurking.

    I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Very exciting story!! :)

    Author's Response:

    She'll be fine under Meadowsweet's care until Harry and Sev return.

    They were handled very badly by the Ministry and also their own parents, hopefully Harry and Severus will be able to help them or bring their existence and problems to the ears of the rest of the wizarding world.

    You can't blame poor Harry for reacting like that, the Forest is really creepy and dangerous, and while it was embarrassing, to say the least, he managed to come out of it with Sev's help.  And he knows that having Severus with him is necessary--could you imagine what it would be like if he had a panic attack without Sev nearby?

    Great I shall try and have it posted soon!  

Title: Mist and Shadows 10 Jul 2009 5:23 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    What a nice chapter!
    Vlad has some similarity to teenage Sev, I think :)

    Author's Response:

    You know . . .you're right.

    They are kind of similar and I never would have seen that comparison until you pointed it out.

    Good observation, Mila!


Title: Mist and Shadows 10 Jul 2009 3:55 pm
Reviewer: Mervoparkite (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm never going to complain about speed--especially if you are updating one of your other stories! I love Return as much as I love this story.

    Great chapter--I liked that you filled us in on "what's happening" back home with Siri.

    Poor Harry--he was trying SO HARD to keep his fears under control. . .

    Looking forward to your next update.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you for that, because sometimes I feel like I'm split in two, trying to decide what I should write next.  I'm also working on a story on ff.net called Irresistible Chemistry about Sev and Lily as young teenagers at school it's a romance and includes Regulus Black as well as the Marauders.

    yes, I figured we would all like to know what was going on back home and you'll be seeing more of Siri and the others soon.

    Oh yes, he was, but unfortunately he just couldn't do it.  Good thing Severus was there to help him. 



Title: Sylvanor's Children 07 Jul 2009 1:06 am
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    poor Hedwig! I think she got attacked by Greyback....or went to the spot where the soul fragment is? I really liked the wolfen society, it sounds so cool! I hope Meadowsweet is able to save Hedwig.
    Lets face it Severus and Harry would be lost with out a motherly figure to guide them. =) haha

    Author's Response:

    That might have happened. You'll see in the next chapter.

    Very true, she is Mama Owl to them, LOL!

    Go and check out the next chapter to see what happens next.

Title: Sylvanor's Children 05 Jul 2009 5:00 pm
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed) [Report This]
    *squawks indignantly* I can't say anything about the cliffie, since I've done so myself. But don't you kill Hedwig. I liked the wolfen society(sort of reminded me of ElfQuest), and I eagerly await the next chapter.

    Author's Response:

    That's true!Yes, the wolfen are sort of based on Elfquest, I loved that series, and LOTR and some of the practices of the Lakota and Iroquois.

    Next chapter's up by the way!

Title: A Long Way Away 04 Jul 2009 7:31 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Harry--I felt bad when he had the high fever and was remembering being tormented by Dudley and his uncle and aunt. Great chapter!


    Author's Response: yeah that part was really sad.  I'm glad you like this and just wait till you see what happens now.

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